Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How Come The Bottom Of My Cookies Burn

"It's a strange pain ... die of nostalgia
for something that'll never live. "


Ingredients In Prevident

Nostalgie One day I'll fly away

framework of Vietnamese Duy Huynh

I make it alone
When love is gone
Still you made your mark
Here in my heart

One day I'll fly away
Leave your love to yesterday
What more can your love do for me
When will love be through with me

I follow the night
Can't stand the light
When will I begin
My life again

One Day I'll fly away
Leave your love to yesterday
What more can your love do for me
When will love be through with me
Why live life from dream to dream
And dread the day that dreaming ends

One day I'll fly away leave your love to yesterday
What more can your love do for me
When will love be through with me
Why live
life from dream to dream And dread the day dreaming ends

That One Day I'll fly away, fly away, fly away

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dvdram Gh40f Teac America

All ....... The Nativity Christmas Traditions

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Drivers Usb To Rs232 7st-dh-005

The original text, full of references to the prophetic texts of the Bible, was Latin and dating from the twelfth century, translated into English in 1800 by John Mason Neale; it is believed that music is the text area aggiuntasi French a hundred years later and from a processional hymn of French nuns.

The title comes from the famous Isaiah 7:14: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name will Emmanele. Emmanuel in Hebrew means "God with us".

O Come Emmanuel (anonymous thirteenth century)

O come, O come, Emmanuel
to redeem the captivity of Israel, that mourns in exile
solitary ,
until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come, O Israel.

O come, Thou Wisdom of the Most High,
one who commands over all things;

show us the way of knowledge and teach us the way forward.

O come, Thou Branch of Jesse,
free from the tyranny of Satan;
save your people from the abyss of hell
and give us victory over the grave.

O come, Thou Day of Spring, come and cheer our souls for your coming;
dispelling the dark clouds in the night, and
away the dark shadows of death.

O come, Thou Key of David, come,
and opens wide our heavenly home;
make sure the way that leads to the skies,
and close the path to misery

O, O come, O Lord of great power,
for your tribe from the Sinai
in ancient times, once you have given the law in
a cloud of majesty and awe.

O come, Thou, bud tree of Jesse,
that you are a sign to your people before you have fallen
all people will be called to your mercy.

O Come, Desire of nations,
engraved in the hearts of all men;
our sad divisions cease, and
You will be our King of Peace.

The original Latin text

Veni, veni Emanuel!
Captivum solve Israel!
Qui gemit in exilio,
Privatus Dei Filio.
Gaude, gaude, Emanuel
Nascetur pro te, Israel.
Veni, veni o oriens!
Solare nos adveniens,
Noctis depelle nebulas,
Dirasque noctis tenebras.
Veni, veni Adonai!
Qui populo in Sinai
Legem dedisti vertice,
In Maiestate gloriae

Friday, December 17, 2010

Gifs For Stroke Victims

I tempi cambiano ma il feeling rimane !

Open your heart to what the world can show you: Sometimes is terrifying, is incredibly beautiful ... Sometimes I'll take Both .

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Paper Towels Kirkland

I got THE TOP OF THE SCHOOL: Retire at the elementary school Saturday, 18/12 at 16:30

They're here!!
You can pick up the shirts of our School of all'ASTROFESTA Saturday, 18/12 (at the elementary school shoes starting at 16.30)

Please note the price: € 8.00 for a T-shirt, € 6.00 from the second onwards.

Take the opportunity to subscribe and / or renew your passport
Parents Association

Jc Penney Chi Silk Infusion


I would like to share with all parents an initiative for a period of one morning and realized that I proposed to November with classes V, of which some of you have heard from their children.
With the availability 'of teachers and leaders and with the support of the IBM Foundation, the IBM group Women in Technology and colleagues have made volotari "Mission to Mars" and that' a robotics lab.

The "Mission to Mars" is to design and program using the Lego kit, a Rover (robot) virtually landed on Mars with a spacecraft to perform a specific task of recognition. Children in groups, understand the importance of collaboration, communication and teamwork to achieve our goals and ultimately enjoy seeing their little robot that moves on the soil of Mars.

Experience and 'was very good for us as volunteers. It draws
asked to continue with other initiatives, so 'see you next episode!

Simona Vercesi

Mama Serena 1C

Milk Chocolate Hair With Caramel Highlights


For the traditional laboratory "Biscuits Decorate with "we need chefs and cooks who prepare shortbread. We attach the recipe simple and proven over many years of" winter festivals ".
cookies that I prepare to be taken directly to the party on Saturday 18, possibly before alerting via email Chiara Silva ( so you can be assured that we will have a sufficient number of biscuits.
In addition, he had time and desire may contribute to the BAR of the party bringing panettone, cakes, pies, cakes, or everything is good, will be sold and the proceeds used by the cerris Institute Comprehensive support for initiatives.
the Commission Celebration

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pinewood Derby Dune Buggy

ASTROFESTA 2010 - Saturday, 18/12 14:30

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Actors Who Shave Their Balls

_ Promolettura reserved for schools, committees, teachers and parents

remember, is always valid, the proposal reached the point of libraries offer free activities in the Annex (Editorial Science, Giunti Editore, Fatatrac, Dami, Motta Junior, Junior Touring) of your choice

with the purchase of 120 € of books

reserved for libraries, schools, committees, classes, and parents.

The books have a discount of 10%,
purchase is free from all the books available at the library of any publisher in the library for adults and children. There
bond between the purchase of books and workshop activity selection.

Info at the bookshop for you more 'close and convenient

You can choose from many activities for children ages 3 to 16 years with years of experience and evaluations with very positive
- Novelty scientific Editorial Science
- animated readings and Motta Junior, and workshops Fatatrac
- animated readings and workshops Touring Junior
- readings and workshops with books and Dami Joints Kids and Junior Couplings, and much more ...

If you can send a quote to perform the activity without going through the purchase of books.

People come to the point of libraries in the province of Trieste
Trieste (TS) via Imbriani, 7 - tel / fax 040 636 067 -
Trieste (TS) comm center. Towers of Europe via Alviano, 43 - tel / fax 040 763 982 -

Dr. Fabia Bellese

Promolettura - no. Communication & Image
Giunti Editore SpA Via Bolognese 165 50139 Firenze (FI)
f.bellese @ @ promolettura joints. it promolettura @
cell 333-4849348; ; cell 348-0198639 Skype: fabia.bellese.promolettura

Monday, November 29, 2010

Songs To Play Basketbal To


You will all have received the letter, reproduced in part below, the City of Milan City Council on initiatives for the school. Many parents have responded in Milan, in person or in a choir, to the claims "self-congratulatory" Moioli Councillor and Mayor Moratti.
If you are interested in signing a collective response, I point out the following site:

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chlamydia Dormancy How Long

Representatives of class and school

It communicates urgency of communication between school and class representatives of the parents in the different plexuses of the Comprehensive Roli for the information of the minutes of meetings school.

There is no communication in the various complexes could use facebook and the blog. We are looking for someone who manages more than me in the different primary and secondary school children plexus of Borgo San Sergio and domain Or Dolina!

I asked the class representatives and the school to know their positions by writing directly on the blog or by emailing parents and write contacts to communicate with.

For a better service and knowledge more 'fruitful to address the various issues.
Mr. Massimiliano Dazzi (approx. class) had the pleasure of communicating with a representative of the Institute of Tomizza school if you can be contacted by his school communications regarding your email:

Paola Borselli Chiozza Plexus Altura

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Travel From Pune To Coorg

The poetry and the word

Come on .. eh nimble, fast, slowly, slowly ...
v'affrettate not, then do not write love poems now, eh, that are the most difficult, wait until you have at least eighty years.
Write them on another subject ... I know ... by the sea, the wind, a radiator, a tram late ... here, that there is something more poetic another!
Do you understand?
Poetry is not outside, inside ... What is poetry, not ask me again, look in the mirror, poetry ... you ... And vestitele good poems, look for the good words ... you have to choose!
Sometimes it takes eight months to find a word!
... Choose them that beauty began when someone began to click.
From Adam and Eve Eve ... you know what drive was first to choose just the fig leaf!
"How is this to me, this is how I, as this is me .." has stripped all the figs of paradise!
Fall in love, if love is not quite dead ... dead! Everything, eh!
you fall in love with you and everything becomes alive, everything moves dilapidated ... the joy, happiness and squandered be sad and silent with the exuberance! Do
blow in the face to people happiness! How do you do? ... Let me see the notes that I've forgotten ... this is what you do ... I am not able to read them! Now I forgot!
forward to happiness, you have to be happy and to convey the pain, you have to be happy.
Be happy!
You have to suffer, become ill, suffer .. do not be afraid of suffering, the whole world suffers! Eh?
And if you do not have the means, do not worry ... just to name a single poem What is needed ... everything!
Do you understand?
And seek not the news ... the news is the oldest thing there is ...
And if there is to this position, from this, to be so, well splurge on earth! Get it! There he is ... ...
Ohoo is lying down you see the sky ... Look
beauty ... because I have set before us ... What do you look?
Poets do not look, see. Get
obey the words ... If the word 'wall', the wall does not give you straight, do not use it more ... for eight years, so learn! What is this? Dunno, I do not know!
That's the beauty, how those verses written there that want to remain there forever ...
Force, delete all ... and we must start!
The lesson is over.
Hello guys I'll see you Wednesday or Thursday ...
Hello goodbye.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Airsoft Guns In Fredmeyer

Dear parents of the Comprehensive Scarpa,
on behalf of the Parents 'Association will meet on 24/11/2010 the shareholders' meeting, at the elementary school on a Clericetti from 21.
You are all invited to participate. On that occasion will be presented for approval the budget of the Association and will explain the past and future activities.
It 's the right time to learn about the Association, join or renew your subscription, and bring new ideas, proposals and energies.
you there! Marina Castellano

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Shunygold Walkthrough


Dear friends, I am writing to inform you that the organizers for the party in the winter of elementary school is putting in motion. The first meeting of the Parties of the Parents Association will be held Thursday, November 11 from 21 in the school itself. At that time you decide
workshops, entertainment, snacks and tasks of each organization and success of our party. We
new forces, people who want to spend some 'time at the school, which bring new ideas and new enthusiasm.
You are all invited to attend the meeting.
Give your support to Clare Silva (Contact Celebration Commission),

hello and thanks to all marine and

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Woodbury Commons Uggs

Presentation POF 2010-2011

Day October 28, 2010 in the Great Hall of the Institute in the presence of parents of pupils attending the Institute classes, is statopresentato the POF for the school year 2010-2011.
After a brief greeting from the Professor DS. Frank Mancuso, the instrumental one of the prof. Michele Mangione presented through a detailed presentation of all the activities to be carried out during the school year.
I have taken many parents have had to be made aware of the new multimedia equipment also supplied to the Institute.
After the presentation of the plan of training, the parents came together for the elections for the representatives of the various councils genitoridei class.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Does Teeth Whitening Expire



have been reported cases of lice in the Institute.
With regard to prophylactic measures for the control of lice in schools, is recommended to all parents to take note of the Protocol for the management of cases of head lice

(revised September 2009) Complex structure of the Department of Prevention Hygiene, Public Health and Environmental Prevention Internza-020_Alleg-1_ASS1TS-Protocol-Pediculosi_Revisione_2009.pdf 22 / set/2010 11:57 by Roli @ @ @ @ Institute (version 1)
130 k View Download

Referring To Another Doctor Letter

The Truth - Part One

After some time spent between work commitments, lectures and astral travel, I could-finally-to complete the work that I set to accomplish.
Not long ago, in reply to a comment from a dear friend in a previous post, I stated that it fully intends to publish any information in my possession and make it free and accessible to all.
Truth needs to eat and incorporate the stage where we are playing in a single, huge fire. Will not be stopped, there have never succeeded.

not consider myself anything of the holder, are not enlightened nor a leader of the pack, are a simple soul who has traveled and peered beyond the Pillars of Hercules and has seen albeit at a glance, what lies beyond the broad life on Earth now.
What you are about to read is of the utmost importance: It contains the information I have accumulated, along with many other wonderful people I love, after long study and wide-ranging research.
The work consists of two parts: that this is going to publish the first, and given the name "The Nature of Chaos."
I chose the decision to divide the document into two parts because I thought it was important initial awareness about global deception perpetrated on the human genie from extraterrestrial races, cataloging the true Genesis, the "Abductions" and so on under one label: that of the Chaos. The forces of disorder and confusion that led to imbalance in the universe and that, however, we never managed to evolve without them.

The second part, I will publish later, is entitled "The Nature of Order", and is calm and broader issues such as the particular composition of the human being-what is called "esoteric triad", consisting of Soul Mind and Spirit, moving on to the Awakening and the eventual expulsion of parasites, the final conclusions of intrinsic, large eyes toward the future and the creation of a New Paradigm of Existence for humanity is to come.

This is the first part. Become aware will be brutal but it is absolutely necessary. We must break down the door and knock, no longer at least.

Truth is presented in the burning clothes, whether you like it or not, she will enter.

- Akuma Gabriel -

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Job For Master Mariners

an autumn to discover the host

The first release of this school year teaching was conducted Oct. 21 at the company State Professional Institute of Agriculture, Gurrida area. Children in kindergarten to 5 years, accompanied by the INSS. section, have had the chance to see the vineyard and understand the stages of wine production. Back in school have repeated the experience of "crushing" along with smaller companies.

Maria Di Salvo

Friday, October 22, 2010

When Does Hiv Rash Appear

today October 23, 2010 We're on Facebook

All parents hello!

Who we are using Facebook as a discussion group and as a profile on Facebook
somehow able to communicate better between this blog and Facebook

a warm greeting and let's keep updated on this blog is where you can comment published (in ANONYMOUS if you do not have a personal Google Account, or URL) in your text signed by name and origin of the plexus Roli.

Good weekend to all!

Borselli Paola C.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lia Sophia Invitation Templates

Special thanks

Special thanks for this great show of solidarity for supporting us, hosted by the school your Visintini Borgo S. Sergio so that the five primary school class of domain Or Anne Frank in most complexes were not dispersed throughout the territory of the municipality of S. Dorligo Valley

want to express our most sincere gratutidine and gratitude

the regent Headmaster Dr. D. Bloise and Vice A. Indrigo who have worked to find the necessary arrangements so that the transfer to happen quickly and with minimal inconvenience to children and their families;

Visintini to teachers who are seen to occupy the spaces previously occupied by the laboratories;

staff ATA that fixed quickly restored to the classroom lessons, students of

Visintini and their families who welcomed us with such willingness to share with us their space.

The students, their families and the teachers of School Anne Frank

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Catan - Cities & Knights Unlock

topic of discussion consult the School canteen

Dear Parents,

you say a topic of discussion ....

How's the tables, there are discontented ... write your opinions in detail.

write it as a comment and sign posted as anonymous unless you have a google account.

We'd love to know from the elementary school moved to Borgo San Sergio domain Or the latest news, good domain Or parents who have labored with Mr Dean Indrigo and to find alternative accommodation for all fast and ergonomic .

We invite you to subscribe to comments so we can better use this method of communication.

If you wish to send email (most 'sensitive to personal information), please write to:

Will A Ultrasound Detect Pcos Or Endometriosis

The first day of school coincide with events dedicated to the reception of both children back to school after the summer break, and the children to new members.
The implementation of the same port to organize a learning path that involves children, gl'insegnanti, the teaching staff, and parents. An important moment for our kind of school was the visit of the Headmaster Prof. Francesco Mancuso, the various complexes of kindergarten. Between songs and poems, the meeting turned into a beautiful moment, full flavored sweets, and drawings that small lecornie have donated.
the fundamental moment of prayer led by Father John La Rosa, which is made available for the blessing of school environments.
Patrick Garasto

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mild Cervical Lordosis


Congratulations we are very slowly starting this blog:

All parents can place a comment, a message by signing the text of the message
Unless you have a Gmail account you can publish your comments anonymous.

As for still searching for administrators for the Territory of Dolina.
I would ask Ms Valentina Galizzi to send their phone calls and emails on, well as the contact.

report a important meeting sent to us by the secretariat Roli:

The Health Check - Thursday, 14/10/2010 - District No. 3, Via Valmaura 59 - 16.30

Third Street Valmaura Health District includes the territory of the Institute Roli.

Good day to you all are waiting
Paola Borselli Chiozza to the plexus of Altura

Friday, September 24, 2010

Labeling Pirate Ship Parts

Yin Shih-Version 2.0

In this passage of ruminations, journal of developments in this subtle and consciential library of real life experiences lived, I found myself having to journey towards wisdom step after step. The journey, once begun, it becomes a lifestyle, a path that has as its goal without a mountain peak, a forest without borders unexplored and which, however, is the only and only sovereign. There is much to learn and lots to learn. One step and planted a flag in my being is but a small step: the humility that we must learn is never enough.
After two decades spent in contemplating the universe, a sword fight against a thousand versions of myself, and after writing a fatal historical context in which we all of us to live in virtual materialized, now I can do that give the sword to become the sword, as he told a close friend of mine that I consider a brother in every respect.

There is a need in need of renovation, as it does not always flow the same water at source and I know it well, so I decided to change course and explore the woods which are sovereign within myself to maybe browse different rivers and tell their incredible journeys and adventures. Adventures of interstellar travel that-until now-only for me but I kept that in my opinion the time sharing you with a wider audience.

If you are reading this piece of life, now you know why you're here.

"Let it be your heart to choose the goal, and reason to seek the way ..."


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Unblocked Cubefieldgame

October 14, 2010 September 21, 2010 - CHECK BLOG ROLI

Good morning to all parents who read to us from now on, on

inter-faculty initiative at a meeting last March 2010 and representatives of all classes of second primary Including G. Roli, with the help of the employee of the Manager, we took the opportunity to put a link in the parents' blog site to confront, undertake the challenges involved in each of the various complexes school levels (kindergarten, primary and secondary school) and make suggestions but also to give a new tool to more immediate greater involvement of parents (or engaged with the work can not always stay informed about news)

have been identified at the time, as administrators of this blog:

- Ms Massimiliana Budicin A Third-class representative " A. Frank and Roli Institute and Vice-President of the Parents of teaching Italian language schools in the City of San Dorligo Valley-TS;
(Mother of Giancarlo Surez-third grade "Anne Frank" and Titian Surez - first grade "Anne Frank") for the complex of domain Or

-Ms Paola Borselli Chiozza Third-class representative C "Don Milani" (mother of Massimo Ianderca - third grade "Don Milani" and Annalisa Ianderca - first grade "Don Milani") for the complex of Altura.

Therefore you need the availability of other 2 directors (representatives) to the above blog for Dolina plexus and the plexus of Borgo San Sergio.

Through this blog we update with a view, in the meantime, administrators. Sincerely

Maximilian and Paola

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lexapro And Breasfeeding Thomas Hale


We finally have a space for us for the new challenges the doubts as to all the schools that are part of the Comprehensive Roli Trieste!

Make room for your comments, which will be scanned by a moderator, if they are disrespectful and irreverent and not accepted will be removed later.

Happy School Year 2010 / 2011!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Flight Simulator Appply Air Brake

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Buying Discontinued Pasta

With my hat ...

I have been accused of "tamarraggine" the other day, in expounding my ideas in a particularly smooth. The only downside was that, here and throughout the speech, word had spread that people do not hear it from a man who is certain subjects. I do not want: the speech itself was complex, although not an extreme difficulty, including a tug of war, in the end, it all culminated in a long-outburst from the other camp-about the language and its mode of use.
My behavior has been accused of rushing tamarraggine per-second the brilliant mind of my partner- not wearing any mask while talking to him. The fact is that everyone seems to be close to a big tie called morality. Why hide in a mock gooders when I can just be myself without side effects? On my package it says target "on an experimental prototype, keep away from children and those who are offended if they are sent to hell. It can seriously impair the system." Discuss with
crazy, you know, time is lost. When the nineteenth Napoleon throws you against the army that resides only in his mind there's nothing more to do.
Self. I was told to have more self-control in these situations.
But I can not. I can not help laughing when someone-believing unquestionably to be right-you scream at him, "But we ARE NOT THE SAME!" And it is there that the whole matter before taking a definite shape and understand.
Understand the sick mind of the average stifled by the stupidity of a too old paradigm that is based on crutches. A sick mind that finds comfort in the lies of the media that depict the Mafia as a hero of the moment, perhaps with a good fiction to make the honors. A sick mind sinking our butts on the couch in the evening, when the broom goes well and gets up in the morning to do the job that will take him to the grave. What a beautiful life, right?
be born in chains, best believe of others and try to impose one's own ideas, using part of the so-called reptilian brain. How much is comfortable to live in the arrogance of a world that rewards the most selfish and piss on the head of the good?
Habit, however, led me not to leave the unavenged kicked in the mouth that people give me s'elogia. I have lost the ability to forgive some time ago, and for that I am very sorry. I lost and I do not know if I'll ever find. A friend told me: "You know ... if you have lost the ability to forgive, perhaps I'd be worried ... not by humans ...".
And the donkey tail with a galactic hit. The point revolves
the crucial factor that sees me alienated in an alien society in which the blood mixes to the streets with too much ease and I feel a foreigner in a country where everyone speaks in guttural sounds and take shots at a club, blind, and the blind man puts the crown on his head.
"will be deficient?" I wonder from time to time. And the answer is always yes.

We live the life we \u200b\u200bdeserve, if we decide to take a path to introspective character is better get busy, roll up their sleeves and spitting blood until we see a glimpse of light. After wandering in the dark for so long, we can not but be confident in finding the crack in the Ring-style maybe we will see some sun.
If you continue to not realize the situation in you live in, complain about how little you take a month or shortages as the country-maybe in your pussy melting pot in your beautifully horrid victim consciousness-then you'd better lower your head and you sorbs the land of showgirls and mobsters.
We are not only that, it's true. There is so much good in the world, but should be photographed in order to be seen often, otherwise it takes very little to disappear. Let

innkeeper to be reckoned with.
If I express myself as a "hick", apparently the message did not you come like an arrow from the glacier of Icecrown. If you spit on them and makes you sick, it's time to get down from the pedestal on which you grew up and understand that the road-even spiritual-thee you have to draw you, removing stones, rocks and boulders-and maybe all the dog shit that you find around, garbage company and singer and, since, ideally, by the prejudices of a filthy mind of surface which has the nasty habit of judging the way and not the substance.
Kisses and hugs from a jerk who expresses himself as he wishes.
And now, with your permission, I'm going to pee.
good life.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Peditrician Office Interior In The 70's

Feast of Joy Universal

first national event of humans becoming organized and produced by Laura AquilaSenzaNido and Montandon, with the collaboration of Elio Lupo (the man who translated the plates emerald), Diego Cera (Reiki master Shantideva ) and other Masters of Yoga and holistic disciplines and / or Oriental. The event will be held on August 8, 2010, from 19:00 until about 5:00 am Aug. 9, on the beach of Marina di C ... brass, nature reserve Fiumefreddo di Sicilia (CT).
The event is open to all who believe in their souls for spiritual growth and energy for the creation of a New Paradigm of Existence. The event, unique and open to the public, is geared to an awareness campaign and environmental education through the vision, in a shortened version of the film Home dedicated to the preservation of environmental resources of the planet and explore various techniques and oriental disciplines and shamans addressed the use of energy in the body.
In perfect harmony with the discoveries of quantum physics, work on the energy channels of the human body, called chakras. The whole night is oriented to the practice of various techniques-oriented expansion of the vibrational field of each participant. The event, as well as to provide for the screening of a number of videos ranging from quantum physics to consciousness and spiritual awakening, is directed to the protection of different ethnic groups with Indian dances, tribal, Caribbean peoples, and belly dancing.
part of the event is expected to explain the use of technology and Hawaiian recognized World "Hopono'pono" for the dissolution of emotional blocks. Another room is dedicated to reiki, oriental discipline used as a technique of healing, while focusing on positive thinking, are treated the main universal laws, in particular the law of attraction.
The purpose of the event is to share different techniques and practices through the direct experience of all participants. The interaction, sharing and joy will be the key features of the entire evening.

The event begins at sunset with the salutation to the sun through the five Tibetan rites to enter into symbiosis with nature and with the natural elements and ends at sunrise to greet the rising sun and sea for a swim in the final baptism of joy. The arguments are shared


- Energy and Universe.
- Universal Laws and the Law of Attraction -
exercises and practice - personal energy field, what it is and how to use it.
- Tai chi chuan -
and practical exercises - Yoga - exercises and practice.
- The Third Eye - exercises for opening the pineal gland.
- Hoponopono, what and how to apply - and practical exercises.
- shamanic techniques.
- Reiki - and practical exercises.
- shiatsu - meditation with crystal bowls.
- dancing to tribal rhythms

This is an invitation to all and especially to the meditation groups, yoga, tantra, reiki, shiatsu, shamanic techniques, Ayurvedic disciplines, dance, clubs and all the souls in Awakening.
For the realization of this event, it requires the active cooperation of all participants. And 'advisable to get comfortable clothes, swimsuit and gym mat.
"TERMS" FORM: A GOOD DOSE OF FUN, adaptability and self-irony!
"WE humans becoming, help us to become"
This call will open the summer week of Marina di Cottone and inserted into a calendar of events that will last for an entire week. The wonderful nature reserve on which the event will be held is likely to accommodate 40,000 people. And 'The use of alcohol, glass bottles and metal tools and / or sharp. There are many hotels and bed & breakfast to be contacted via the website of the City of Pro-loco Fiumefreddo di Sicilia (CT) or contact the staff of Humans in the making.
We invite you to join a group and, if you believe the creation of a better world that you are responsible, please spread this invitation to all your friends and subscribers. This gesture is already the starting point to remain united and cohesive in a single focused intent and is a necessary condition for a successful event!
Thank you all!
-http: / / / home.php # / pages/Umani-in-divenire-AquilaSenzaNido/131102860259088

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Improve Xbox Streaming

Another meaningless post

C ome the waves are breaking one by one against the beach and rocks, so the man continues along its path.
I'm starting this post with your quest'aforisma who advised me to be a very special from a different vibrational frequency. I feel I should start with this because, looking around, I see people in cages. People trapped in their own mental prison in which fear is the master, and yet Once the powerful jailer that we are not ourselves. I look around and I see nothing but people prey to mood swings, such as young girls struggling with a particular pre-menstrual syndrome. People who rant for a bit of attention, busy places, crowded with people who does nothing but express their ego without bothering to hear each other a moment.

"I see dark ..." said a great man before he died. We climb on a stage full of actors and we do not have to choose to wear the mask. Simply paste it on there with a surplus of prejudice, negative and destructive emotions, mood swings and selfishness from borderline to handle. I wonder as to what, if people not daring to look tired repeating the same scenario cloud after cloud. Moment by moment, let us swallow this time without noticing instantly, giving more attention to clothes worn rather than enjoy the Friday following the emergence of a crescent moon red.
Learn how to put emotions in check, the view out of control and noise of a mind-by its ill-nature: this should be the basic aim of every human being. Step after step, you come home. And all live on the fourth floor, with no exceptions. There are those who would like to take the elevator, but then discovers that there is no elevator, there are those who notes the transparencies are the steps, without wanting never pass for fear of slipping. We have a world full of such individuals.

The world is full of people who want to be happy but drowns with his ego, unable to get out of the mud simply because they do not know what it really is. I saw under the moonlight shining swords, shields shattered under the blows of the furious pace bleeding conscience and people towards the light, struggling for the simple sense of duty, for the simple dream of making a step toward the goal.
It 's like a damn wheel. Ouroboros, the solar disk ... all symbols of people who understood the full meaning of the infinite, the sense of the universe.

Take a step, then another, and you realize, slowly, that we're increasingly moving away from this world as you perceive as alien and corrupt. Take a step outside the threshold of the world to discover, with some taste, is there the real life of the soul and not where your pile of flesh and blood wants to drag you. One experience, one flight in the universe is worth a thousand orgasms. You're out there, free as a dolphin in the sea. Can not you hear: your ears do not exist and you can sense only the bell of the fine vibration that fills you and sounds around you. Do not see: the sense of direction is particularly distorted. Do not know where you are but you like. Perhaps you are camping out on to the particles of dust in the Orion Nebula, or do you drag the vibrational currents of Jupiter, yet do not care.

Then, slowly, a small voice echoes from infinity with you. One voice, two, then three. A riot of protesters, screaming that a hurricane has staged the whole mess to move a single leaf. Open your eyes and see your world, the planet which were attacked long ago and your body on which he now lives.
"Oh, yes ... I remember!-Think." I remember very accurately all the adventures that I have spent and continue to live every day! But, fortunately, are very far away now! "
And the matrix is \u200b\u200bcalling you. Yeah. He does this with incredible ferocity when you find the way out. Send screams, and beats screpita feet like a child to have you back. And, Finally, send agents with vertical pupil to grasp and you will inevitably tumble again in that damn wheel.
In a cycle that never ends, unless you're willing to break it with your own chains. Understand the purpose and impact of all: the challenges, victories and defeats, the kicks and that the blood on the floor. Even your chains have a specific purpose. Without a sword, they are the only real weapon that can sharpen your heart: watch them day after day, my friend, so you can remember of your imprisonment and continue to feed the fire of your desire.
Chains you need. And, remember this well, only when you throw the can away from here, along with the soul that you can look into my eyes and in those same eyes, you see the universe, infinity and yourself.

If you're still looking for a way to this post, you have not caught the sign of the monologue.
Look around. You'll understand in time.
