Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mild Cervical Lordosis


Congratulations we are very slowly starting this blog:

All parents can place a comment, a message by signing the text of the message
Unless you have a Gmail account you can publish your comments anonymous.

As for still searching for administrators for the Territory of Dolina.
I would ask Ms Valentina Galizzi to send their phone calls and emails on, well as the contact.

report a important meeting sent to us by the secretariat Roli:

The Health Check - Thursday, 14/10/2010 - District No. 3, Via Valmaura 59 - 16.30

Third Street Valmaura Health District includes the territory of the Institute Roli.

Good day to you all are waiting
Paola Borselli Chiozza to the plexus of Altura


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