Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Referring To Another Doctor Letter

The Truth - Part One

After some time spent between work commitments, lectures and astral travel, I could-finally-to complete the work that I set to accomplish.
Not long ago, in reply to a comment from a dear friend in a previous post, I stated that it fully intends to publish any information in my possession and make it free and accessible to all.
Truth needs to eat and incorporate the stage where we are playing in a single, huge fire. Will not be stopped, there have never succeeded.

not consider myself anything of the holder, are not enlightened nor a leader of the pack, are a simple soul who has traveled and peered beyond the Pillars of Hercules and has seen albeit at a glance, what lies beyond the broad life on Earth now.
What you are about to read is of the utmost importance: It contains the information I have accumulated, along with many other wonderful people I love, after long study and wide-ranging research.
The work consists of two parts: that this is going to publish the first, and given the name "The Nature of Chaos."
I chose the decision to divide the document into two parts because I thought it was important initial awareness about global deception perpetrated on the human genie from extraterrestrial races, cataloging the true Genesis, the "Abductions" and so on under one label: that of the Chaos. The forces of disorder and confusion that led to imbalance in the universe and that, however, we never managed to evolve without them.

The second part, I will publish later, is entitled "The Nature of Order", and is calm and broader issues such as the particular composition of the human being-what is called "esoteric triad", consisting of Soul Mind and Spirit, moving on to the Awakening and the eventual expulsion of parasites, the final conclusions of intrinsic, large eyes toward the future and the creation of a New Paradigm of Existence for humanity is to come.

This is the first part. Become aware will be brutal but it is absolutely necessary. We must break down the door and knock, no longer at least.

Truth is presented in the burning clothes, whether you like it or not, she will enter.

- Akuma Gabriel -


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