Friday, July 30, 2010

Peditrician Office Interior In The 70's

Feast of Joy Universal

first national event of humans becoming organized and produced by Laura AquilaSenzaNido and Montandon, with the collaboration of Elio Lupo (the man who translated the plates emerald), Diego Cera (Reiki master Shantideva ) and other Masters of Yoga and holistic disciplines and / or Oriental. The event will be held on August 8, 2010, from 19:00 until about 5:00 am Aug. 9, on the beach of Marina di C ... brass, nature reserve Fiumefreddo di Sicilia (CT).
The event is open to all who believe in their souls for spiritual growth and energy for the creation of a New Paradigm of Existence. The event, unique and open to the public, is geared to an awareness campaign and environmental education through the vision, in a shortened version of the film Home dedicated to the preservation of environmental resources of the planet and explore various techniques and oriental disciplines and shamans addressed the use of energy in the body.
In perfect harmony with the discoveries of quantum physics, work on the energy channels of the human body, called chakras. The whole night is oriented to the practice of various techniques-oriented expansion of the vibrational field of each participant. The event, as well as to provide for the screening of a number of videos ranging from quantum physics to consciousness and spiritual awakening, is directed to the protection of different ethnic groups with Indian dances, tribal, Caribbean peoples, and belly dancing.
part of the event is expected to explain the use of technology and Hawaiian recognized World "Hopono'pono" for the dissolution of emotional blocks. Another room is dedicated to reiki, oriental discipline used as a technique of healing, while focusing on positive thinking, are treated the main universal laws, in particular the law of attraction.
The purpose of the event is to share different techniques and practices through the direct experience of all participants. The interaction, sharing and joy will be the key features of the entire evening.

The event begins at sunset with the salutation to the sun through the five Tibetan rites to enter into symbiosis with nature and with the natural elements and ends at sunrise to greet the rising sun and sea for a swim in the final baptism of joy. The arguments are shared


- Energy and Universe.
- Universal Laws and the Law of Attraction -
exercises and practice - personal energy field, what it is and how to use it.
- Tai chi chuan -
and practical exercises - Yoga - exercises and practice.
- The Third Eye - exercises for opening the pineal gland.
- Hoponopono, what and how to apply - and practical exercises.
- shamanic techniques.
- Reiki - and practical exercises.
- shiatsu - meditation with crystal bowls.
- dancing to tribal rhythms

This is an invitation to all and especially to the meditation groups, yoga, tantra, reiki, shiatsu, shamanic techniques, Ayurvedic disciplines, dance, clubs and all the souls in Awakening.
For the realization of this event, it requires the active cooperation of all participants. And 'advisable to get comfortable clothes, swimsuit and gym mat.
"TERMS" FORM: A GOOD DOSE OF FUN, adaptability and self-irony!
"WE humans becoming, help us to become"
This call will open the summer week of Marina di Cottone and inserted into a calendar of events that will last for an entire week. The wonderful nature reserve on which the event will be held is likely to accommodate 40,000 people. And 'The use of alcohol, glass bottles and metal tools and / or sharp. There are many hotels and bed & breakfast to be contacted via the website of the City of Pro-loco Fiumefreddo di Sicilia (CT) or contact the staff of Humans in the making.
We invite you to join a group and, if you believe the creation of a better world that you are responsible, please spread this invitation to all your friends and subscribers. This gesture is already the starting point to remain united and cohesive in a single focused intent and is a necessary condition for a successful event!
Thank you all!
-http: / / / home.php # / pages/Umani-in-divenire-AquilaSenzaNido/131102860259088


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