Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Type Of Guitar Does Shakira Use

Expressionism Egon Schiele.

"Klimt, too, will have a great respect for Schiele: agrees to help his friend, through the purchase of drawings, procuring models, presenting some wealthy patrons, who ensure some degree of financial peace of mind since the very beginning on the Viennese art scene and making sure that in 1908 Schiele could hold his first solo exhibition for the Wiener Werkstätte, founded in 1903 by the architect Josef Hoffmann, whose theoretical basis lies in ' idea of \u200b\u200ba work of art: art is not locked up in traditional areas but formally and spiritually impact on everyday life. In these early works exhibited his style, abandoned the strict rules of the academy, has already expressionist next to portraits of friends and self portraits, is represented by the physicality of the body through an aggressive distortion figurative. In this way sexuality becomes erotic obsession that, in addition to the theme of loneliness sorrowful and troubled, took a very high emotional tension. In a manner similar to that in the same period are Alfred Kubin and Oskar Kokoschka, the space becomes a kind of emptiness that is the tragic dimension of human existence, in constant conflict between life and death. "(Wikipedia)


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