Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Type Of Engineers That Builds Robot

the shock of that is?



"Excuse me, the shock sapite ched'è?"
"The shock 'is na thing
c'addora rose pink ca ...
nduvina ched'è?"
"E 'pink? ... And sorry, sapite sin?
' E 'or pink culore
serving p''ammore. The nun is
nunn'è is pink. "
" The Addor that got to do is ... pink nunn'è? "
" Too bad dint May
if curaggio seize.
Sentenno the Addor
you created the shock. "
" In May mage? ... And sapite sin? "
" E 'May n'anno
pè pè chille c''o ssanno.
Pè nun who only want good stu
months nun veins. "
" And without the nun Addor the shock is it? "
" Nun's ... too bad 'ammore
is severe pain, think about
na thing
c'addora rose.

Eduardo De Filippo


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