Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Adjust Radiator Temperature Apartment

Canteen Committee meeting dd February 15 at 12.00

Today we held a meeting with the committee of Mensa plexus Altura teachers and parents belonging to the Committee and the municipal authorities with the company canteen officer Cir Food, under the supervision of our Deputy Assistant Director of the Institute's employee. Including Roli.

It has been much discussion of the discontented about the menu ': poor food quality and quantity served warm or even cold in the third round (on the school at Altura)
associations of food that does not always comply with proper diet.
The result will be defined in the following months with a better menu 'and un'accortezza of dishes to make them more' edible and ... served to be more 'hot.

The municipal authorities have undertaken to be missing or outdated instruments in the Mensa Central Altura Don Milani located in the more 'soon as possible. We encourage other

Plessi di Borgo San Sergio, Dolina and domain Or (which unfortunately is destrutturalizzata elementary school in his building) has formed committees and committees canteen parents to have more 'value to address the various problems of this Roli complicated Comprehensive School.

thanks to Mr. Alessio Indrigo employee of the Executive Bloise to be present and effective in the considerations and issues at the meetings of the Comprehensive Roli. Write

tips , Challenges to those who have an idea on education committee parents we try to help by making a force not to invalidate the great value and has always had the school and education in the training of people putting a post on the blog or Facebook - Trieste-Roli parents or by sending an email to genitoriroli@gmail.com

Paola Borselli Chiozza
class representative, administrator Blogs and Facebook profile, member of the plexus of the table of Altura


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