Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How To Vgat Fake Braces



"We can console ourselves by invoking the word" coincidence . "What a wonderful word, coincidence to explain all our doubts ..."
-Charles T. Tart, Preface to "My trip out of the body, by Robert A. Monroe -

Occasionally we encounter in everyday life, in fact very curious that call loudly for our attention. We feel that there ' is something strange, that touches us telling us to look with invisible hands towards a certain direction. Now the rational mind is binding on any other cognitive process, trying to explain what is happening and find a logical explanation for everything. The paradox of the absurd has the impossible: even though something is actually happening before your eyes, bruised feet and close your eyelids, triggering an unconscious process by which a part of you has afraid to face reality .
People are terribly frightened by what might happen if only a small, miserable event could upset their lives. Just a trifle to ground beliefs and assumptions embedded in time and in memory of the people thrown into panic total.
Therefore, we try to impose a logical solution, although built by the most bizarre outlandish theories, for what is ahead. A shining example of what I am trying to communicate is the theory expounded by CICAP for a rather interesting fact.
Some time ago, a woman finds herself with a micro-meteorites planted in the flesh, just nell'alluce [can not remember if left or right, but it makes no difference]. Analyzed by eminent scientists, this turned out to be a serious micrometeorites, with percentage isotope different from that of Earth. How will the finished them?
Well, according to the eminent scientist who are part of the inner circle of CICAP, the micrometeorites would cross the cosmos, and entered Earth's atmosphere, breaks through the window of the house of the said lady, entering it into the house.
So the next morning, when the lady gets up, casually trampling the micrometeorites, infilandoselo in the flesh.

Do not believe it? Yet it would seem so. In your opinion, on a scale of one to ten, how sad is people?

Flying over the flights of fancy of our beloved comedians CICAP, we find ourselves faced with a countless number of-seemingly-inexplicable coincidences.
I could write billions, but I will bring back just a few that, especially recently, have appeared even from the big screen.

The graphite army of 12 monkeys.
dated film "12 Monkeys" with Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt, there is a particularly interesting scene. The tramp meets William [calling him Bob] in 1996, and makes some important revelations about the tracking system of the person who sent back in the 2035 scientists of the time.
This explains that, to control the position of any traveler, who implanted a microchip in teeth.
According to recent discoveries of Prof. Corrado Malanga, the aliens implanted two or more chips under the skin in humans, which are called emotional and positional .
The emotional, they say, is planted near the pineal gland, the so-called third eye of the various Eastern cultures. While the positional
is planted by none other than ... ark palatal ... just above the teeth.
Coincidence? Who knows ...

In the animated television series "The Simpsons" is often seen using the theme of religion. On several occasions we see the actors struggling with the real religious crises, with as much divine apparition. That's right. Divine apparition. God appears in The
Simson as the Giant bearded man with long white robe. The classic representation of the demiurge who creates the world with a compass.
But the interesting thing is different: in all the episodes in which this figure appears, has a particular very interesting. had never tried to count his fingers?

God and Homer. Try to count your fingers ... Oops!

Well, yes. The Simpsons have four fingers, and represent the human race. The god, in contrast, has five fingers, one more. In ancient esodattilia was regarded as a symbol that approached the gods. Weird to say ... According to research by Malanga [up for more than hypnosis 60,000 people and all say the same thing] an alien race dubbed Blonde, has precisely SEI fingers.
Coincidence? Who knows ...


From the same author of The Simpsons [Matt Groening] because it was a fantastic series Futurama. Praise, according to Groening himself, Kubrick's cinematic masterpiece "2001: A Space Odyssey." In this series there are a multitude of allegories that would make your hair stand on anyone. However, I will speak in some detail. In the second feature
Futurama "The Beast With a Billion Backs", a being multidimensional comes into contact with humanity through a rift between her and our universe. It is shaped like a pink octopus, whose inner core consists of a cloud and in one eye only [the all seeing eye Masonry?].
Humanity, after many vicissitudes, he agrees to move to the surface of this new being that, not surprisingly, is called Yivo. A juicy allegory to identify even more, as if it were needed, the figure Yivo / Yhwh. The shape recalls the sprawling figure of Cthulhu Lovecraft, another representation of the false god, otherwise known as the Demiurge.

The inhabitants of the earth and then decide not to leave only Yivo and move on its surface: the clouds. The classic representation of modern paradise, in fact.
However, their coexistence is close to a thin pact: must never again have contact with external beings. But [there's always a but], Fry continues to feel with his friend Bender robot by means of letters. Yivo finds out soon after, and this cost him his expulsion from the clouds, an allegory to symbolize the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise.
Coincidence? Who knows ...

One could go on and on, describing scenes and situations terribly real. For one thing: a friend recently, we decided to do a series of tests. He travels
astral consciously and perfectly, so we wanted to materialize and reveal its presence in my room. Each time he came, had to click the mouse on my pc, a few steps from my bed. The experiment is well managed. However
now click persists every night. I called my friend asking him if he were to click, and he told me he had long since ceased to do esperiemento. So who is that I
FRACASSO his balls every night by clicking the mouse?
Coincidence? Who knows ...

The poster for the film "Fight Club".

The signs are everywhere, just look for them. There are other films that very well explain some basic steps for the spiritual evolution of every man. One of them is Fight Club The teaching principles that the film wants to push the viewer to understand is that
"Only when we lost everything, are we really free to do what we want"
-Tyler Durden / Brad Pitt, Fight Club-

Are you ready to wake up?

- Gabriel Akuma-


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