Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sand For Shuffleboard

Adventures of Worlds

"If it was not a real thing, if it was just a hallucination or a dream, then I was in trouble. I could not distinguish where the vigil ended and where the dream began. There are thousands of people in a mental hospital and its only reason.
.. "
-Robert A. Monroe, My travels outside the body (1971) -

E 'possible? It 'may happen really such a thing?
This is probably the first question that people are faced with such situations. Some are accustomed to wallowing in the field, others are trying to go beyond the threshold that separates a world other. And it is this that I'm going to tell you. Maybe the vast majority of people will send me to hell, with the specific purpose to get me locked up in the worst mental and farmici die of old age. Well, none of this scares me.

Several times I found myself discussing topics like these, and every time the discussion has resulted in a tremendous outburst. The truth is that when you touch the button, the weakness of humans, the mechanism snaps dell'irragionevolezza and unconsciousness. It 's like a dogma, where everything is predetermined, pre-packaged and predictable. No margin of error. There is no error. There can be no such a thing so do not be analyzed because it does not exist!
E 'this is what does the scientific community in general. Why study something when we refuse to bow to its existence? But yes, neghiamola unto death, even when we have beaten thousands of tests against our shithead!

food I do not want any controversy, I'm not here for that. So I will try to keep as far away from everything related to the conflict with science [dogmatic].
What I do, however, is share with you all this reality that exists despite all the deny. It 's true, not all succeed. Have you ever wondered why?
WILL ... '...
Only those who will and perseverance to try and try again succeeds. Whoever hopes to achieve it after two attempts, it can hang around his neck and throw a rock at sea. The phenomenon

OBE [renamed so only in relatively recent times], which stands for Out of Body Esperiences [out of body experience], consists in a shift of consciousness vibrational levels and on different planes of existence. Philosophical talk about ancient cultures: Chinese texts, Japanese, Greek ... There are reports of these experiences in the world, at any time.
Only one, however, had the courage to publish their own experiences cutting the head of the bull. One of these drawings in question is Robert Allan Monroe who in 1971 published his book "My travels outside the body." The text setting forth its experience with the eye of a reporter / observer experienced. Monroe is not only free from indoctrination, but describes the events that occurred outside of the body perfectly and not subjective.

Robert Allan Monroe

then we go directly to read a passage from his book:

August 15, 1963 - afternoon

"A productive experiment after a long silence! RW, a business woman I know very well now for our old relations, as well as my good friend, and familiar with such
my" assets "(although still somewhat skeptical, despite some of his involuntary participation), she went on vacation this week in the New Jersey thing. I do not know
nothing more than that on the exact location where it is. I have not even made aware of any program experiment, simply because I did not think until today (Saturday).
This afternoon, I lay groped for an experiment and decided that I would do a great effort to "visit" RW wherever she was. (Rule number one in my case was
I've always had more success when I tried to reach someone I know well, and the opportunity does not occur very often). I lay in the bedroom at three in the afternoon, I entered the pattern of relaxation, I felt the heat (high vibration), so I thought hard on the "desire" to "go" to RW There was the familiar feeling of moving through an area fuzzy, blue, and then I found myself in what seemed
kitchen. RW was sitting on a chair on the right. He had a glass in hand. She looked to my left, where two girls were sitting (of about seventeen or eighteen)
a blonde and a brunette, each with a glass in hand, drinking something. The three women chatted, but I could not hear what they said.
I went first to the two girls right in front of them, but I could not attract their attention. I turned to RW and then asked her if she had noticed me. "Oh, yes, I know you're here," said (mentally or communication with the usual super-conscious, as he continued to converse with the two girls). I asked her if she was sure you would remember that I had been there at that time. "Sure, I'll remember for sure," he said. I told her that this time I had to make sure that if I would remember. "I'll remember, I'm sure I'll remember," said RW, while continuing to converse. I told her that I had to make sure that it should be remembered and so I would give her a pinch. "No need, I'll remember," said RW in a hurry. I told her again that I had to be sure, so I went and tried to pinch, plan, or so I thought. The pinched on one side, between hip and chest. She let out a loud "Oh!" arretrai and I rather surprised. I had not planned to be able to pinch really, physically. Satisfied to have at least made some impression, I turned and walked away, I concentrated on the physical body and almost immediately I was return. I got up (fisicamente!) and went to the typewriter, where they are now. RW will not return until Monday, and then I'll be able to ascertain whether I had made contact, or if another failure was inexplicable. Time of return: three and thirty-five. Follow important today is Tuesday, the next experiment to Saturday. RW is back at work yesterday and I asked what he was doing Saturday afternoon between three and four. Knowing the reason for my request, he replied that there had to think and I would respond on Tuesday (today). Here's what he told me today: Saturday afternoon between three and four was the only time when the beach house where he lived was not afollata of people. For the first time she was alone with her niece (brunette, eighteen years old) and friend of this (about the same age, blonde). They were in the kitchen-dining area, from three and a quarter to four, she drank an alcoholic, the girls Coke. They did nothing but sit and talk. I asked her if she did not remember anything else, he said no. Asked her specifically, but could not remember more. Finally, and with impatience, I asked her if she did not remember the pinch.
on her face appeared a look of absolute amazement. "Was it you?" I stared for a moment, then went to the toilet in my office, turned around and picked up (just a little!) The edge of the mesh, where he joined the skirt on the left side. There were two dark markings, brown and blue, exactly at the point where I had pinched. "I sat and talked with the girls," said RW "
when suddenly I felt this tremendous pinch. I must have done a remarkable leap. I thought my brother had returned and had crept up behind me. I turned but there was none. I never thought I was-you! You hurt me! "

From this short excerpt of the book we can understand how the phenomenon is quite real and reproducible in the laboratory. The astral dimension, then, is just like a duplicate of our [say rather than the material dimension is the draft of the astral ...], where all [or almost] seems to have the same form that has "here".

Monroe describes a multitude of other factors, all interesting [for the book, you can contact me via email]. It also describes the method he used to dissociate itself from the body and change his awareness elsewhere.
The method is to imagine a point in the darkness of his closed eyelids, then move up and down, sending it farther back and doing it.
I can not thank Bob enough for everything you wrote ...

William Buhlman

Another author, quite popular in that decided to write his experience is William Buhlman. Most of his stories resemble much of a trip to introspective character rather than a genuine shift of consciousness. However, some experiences suggest that they are as real as those of Monroe.
Buhlman in his book "Adventures from the body," also seeks to explain from a scientific view of [quantum physics], the OBE process.
The techniques described are numerous, however, the central use of the author turns out to be quite interesting: it consists in creating a family environment and interact with it until it sinks into sleep.

In fact, all the techniques I've read so far are mere nonsense. The process leading OB is different for each person, it seems, even if the experiences are all unique and reproducible [with a friend able to opt consciously we tried an experiment: Out of Body Films to my room and moving of an object. Needless to say we did].
However, the technique that comes closest to the goal is to Buhlman. But does not interact with the environment.
The results will come only after a long long time but this, of course, varies from person to person ...



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