Friday, July 30, 2010

Peditrician Office Interior In The 70's

Feast of Joy Universal

first national event of humans becoming organized and produced by Laura AquilaSenzaNido and Montandon, with the collaboration of Elio Lupo (the man who translated the plates emerald), Diego Cera (Reiki master Shantideva ) and other Masters of Yoga and holistic disciplines and / or Oriental. The event will be held on August 8, 2010, from 19:00 until about 5:00 am Aug. 9, on the beach of Marina di C ... brass, nature reserve Fiumefreddo di Sicilia (CT).
The event is open to all who believe in their souls for spiritual growth and energy for the creation of a New Paradigm of Existence. The event, unique and open to the public, is geared to an awareness campaign and environmental education through the vision, in a shortened version of the film Home dedicated to the preservation of environmental resources of the planet and explore various techniques and oriental disciplines and shamans addressed the use of energy in the body.
In perfect harmony with the discoveries of quantum physics, work on the energy channels of the human body, called chakras. The whole night is oriented to the practice of various techniques-oriented expansion of the vibrational field of each participant. The event, as well as to provide for the screening of a number of videos ranging from quantum physics to consciousness and spiritual awakening, is directed to the protection of different ethnic groups with Indian dances, tribal, Caribbean peoples, and belly dancing.
part of the event is expected to explain the use of technology and Hawaiian recognized World "Hopono'pono" for the dissolution of emotional blocks. Another room is dedicated to reiki, oriental discipline used as a technique of healing, while focusing on positive thinking, are treated the main universal laws, in particular the law of attraction.
The purpose of the event is to share different techniques and practices through the direct experience of all participants. The interaction, sharing and joy will be the key features of the entire evening.

The event begins at sunset with the salutation to the sun through the five Tibetan rites to enter into symbiosis with nature and with the natural elements and ends at sunrise to greet the rising sun and sea for a swim in the final baptism of joy. The arguments are shared


- Energy and Universe.
- Universal Laws and the Law of Attraction -
exercises and practice - personal energy field, what it is and how to use it.
- Tai chi chuan -
and practical exercises - Yoga - exercises and practice.
- The Third Eye - exercises for opening the pineal gland.
- Hoponopono, what and how to apply - and practical exercises.
- shamanic techniques.
- Reiki - and practical exercises.
- shiatsu - meditation with crystal bowls.
- dancing to tribal rhythms

This is an invitation to all and especially to the meditation groups, yoga, tantra, reiki, shiatsu, shamanic techniques, Ayurvedic disciplines, dance, clubs and all the souls in Awakening.
For the realization of this event, it requires the active cooperation of all participants. And 'advisable to get comfortable clothes, swimsuit and gym mat.
"TERMS" FORM: A GOOD DOSE OF FUN, adaptability and self-irony!
"WE humans becoming, help us to become"
This call will open the summer week of Marina di Cottone and inserted into a calendar of events that will last for an entire week. The wonderful nature reserve on which the event will be held is likely to accommodate 40,000 people. And 'The use of alcohol, glass bottles and metal tools and / or sharp. There are many hotels and bed & breakfast to be contacted via the website of the City of Pro-loco Fiumefreddo di Sicilia (CT) or contact the staff of Humans in the making.
We invite you to join a group and, if you believe the creation of a better world that you are responsible, please spread this invitation to all your friends and subscribers. This gesture is already the starting point to remain united and cohesive in a single focused intent and is a necessary condition for a successful event!
Thank you all!
-http: / / / home.php # / pages/Umani-in-divenire-AquilaSenzaNido/131102860259088

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Improve Xbox Streaming

Another meaningless post

C ome the waves are breaking one by one against the beach and rocks, so the man continues along its path.
I'm starting this post with your quest'aforisma who advised me to be a very special from a different vibrational frequency. I feel I should start with this because, looking around, I see people in cages. People trapped in their own mental prison in which fear is the master, and yet Once the powerful jailer that we are not ourselves. I look around and I see nothing but people prey to mood swings, such as young girls struggling with a particular pre-menstrual syndrome. People who rant for a bit of attention, busy places, crowded with people who does nothing but express their ego without bothering to hear each other a moment.

"I see dark ..." said a great man before he died. We climb on a stage full of actors and we do not have to choose to wear the mask. Simply paste it on there with a surplus of prejudice, negative and destructive emotions, mood swings and selfishness from borderline to handle. I wonder as to what, if people not daring to look tired repeating the same scenario cloud after cloud. Moment by moment, let us swallow this time without noticing instantly, giving more attention to clothes worn rather than enjoy the Friday following the emergence of a crescent moon red.
Learn how to put emotions in check, the view out of control and noise of a mind-by its ill-nature: this should be the basic aim of every human being. Step after step, you come home. And all live on the fourth floor, with no exceptions. There are those who would like to take the elevator, but then discovers that there is no elevator, there are those who notes the transparencies are the steps, without wanting never pass for fear of slipping. We have a world full of such individuals.

The world is full of people who want to be happy but drowns with his ego, unable to get out of the mud simply because they do not know what it really is. I saw under the moonlight shining swords, shields shattered under the blows of the furious pace bleeding conscience and people towards the light, struggling for the simple sense of duty, for the simple dream of making a step toward the goal.
It 's like a damn wheel. Ouroboros, the solar disk ... all symbols of people who understood the full meaning of the infinite, the sense of the universe.

Take a step, then another, and you realize, slowly, that we're increasingly moving away from this world as you perceive as alien and corrupt. Take a step outside the threshold of the world to discover, with some taste, is there the real life of the soul and not where your pile of flesh and blood wants to drag you. One experience, one flight in the universe is worth a thousand orgasms. You're out there, free as a dolphin in the sea. Can not you hear: your ears do not exist and you can sense only the bell of the fine vibration that fills you and sounds around you. Do not see: the sense of direction is particularly distorted. Do not know where you are but you like. Perhaps you are camping out on to the particles of dust in the Orion Nebula, or do you drag the vibrational currents of Jupiter, yet do not care.

Then, slowly, a small voice echoes from infinity with you. One voice, two, then three. A riot of protesters, screaming that a hurricane has staged the whole mess to move a single leaf. Open your eyes and see your world, the planet which were attacked long ago and your body on which he now lives.
"Oh, yes ... I remember!-Think." I remember very accurately all the adventures that I have spent and continue to live every day! But, fortunately, are very far away now! "
And the matrix is \u200b\u200bcalling you. Yeah. He does this with incredible ferocity when you find the way out. Send screams, and beats screpita feet like a child to have you back. And, Finally, send agents with vertical pupil to grasp and you will inevitably tumble again in that damn wheel.
In a cycle that never ends, unless you're willing to break it with your own chains. Understand the purpose and impact of all: the challenges, victories and defeats, the kicks and that the blood on the floor. Even your chains have a specific purpose. Without a sword, they are the only real weapon that can sharpen your heart: watch them day after day, my friend, so you can remember of your imprisonment and continue to feed the fire of your desire.
Chains you need. And, remember this well, only when you throw the can away from here, along with the soul that you can look into my eyes and in those same eyes, you see the universe, infinity and yourself.

If you're still looking for a way to this post, you have not caught the sign of the monologue.
Look around. You'll understand in time.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Old Lafayette Cb Radios

The Way of the Shaman

What I'm going to propose is a brief excerpt of the book by Michael Harner, titled "The Way of the Shaman." It is his first experience in contact with the tribe of Conibo, in the Amazon. After taking the sacred drink extracted dall'Ayahuasca, the protagonist takes a shamanic journey through which he discovers the truth about many of the greatest mysteries of mankind

I do not want spoil the reading, and silent.
Just one minor problem: the book was written before any theory malanghiana, first of Icke's theories and all that it turned out that we know today and on a large scale. The story is 1961.

"I lived for most of the year in a village of Conibo (Indian tribe) and located near a remote lake in the basin of a tributary of the Ucayali River. My research was on the culture of Conibo proceeded well, but my efforts to obtain information on their religion had little success, the people were friendly, but reluctant to speak of the supernatural. In the end they told me that if I really wanted to learn, I had to take the sacred drink of shamans dall'Ayahuasca obtained, the "vine of the soul." I agreed, with curiosity but also with trepidation, because I had been warned that the experience was terrifying.
The next morning my friend Tomas, the friendly village elder, went into the forest to cut the vine. Before leaving he told me to fasting: a light breakfast and no lunch. He returned at noon with tendrils and leaves of the ayahuasca plant Gawa enough to fill a pot of more than fifty liters. Boiled them all afternoon until it remained only about a liter of dark liquid. He poured the liquid into an old bottle and left it to cool until sunset the sun, when he said that we would have been drinking.
The Indians put their muzzles to dogs barking in the village to avoid them: I explain that the barking of dogs could have made the crazy person who had taken ayahuasca. Recommend that the children not to make noise and silence descended on the small community with the sunset.
When darkness replaced the short equatorial twilight, Tomas poured about a third of the bottle in a cup of pumpkin and handed it to me. While all the Indians were watching, I felt like Socrates trs his fellow Athenians, when he accepted the hemlock-it occurred to me that another name the Indians gave ayahuasca in the Peruvian Amazon was to "Little death" -. Quickly drank the potion that he had a strange taste, slightly bitter. Then I waited for a turn drinking Tomas but he said that in the end decided not to participate. They made me lie down on the bamboo platform under the large palm roof of the common home. The village was silent, save for the chirping of crickets and the distant calls of a Howler monkey deep in the jungle. When I looked into the darkness, I appeared faint lines of light. Then the lines became sharper, more intricate and burst into brilliant colors. From a distance came a sound like a waterfall that became louder and louder until it filled my ears.
Just a few minutes before I had felt disappointed, convinced that ayahuasca had no effect on me. Now the roar of water rushing indondava my brain. I felt my jaw began to numb and the numbness went up to my temples. Above me, the lines became more subtle light and gradually intertwine to form a time similar to a geometric mosaic of colored glass. The vivid purple hues formed a roof that spread over me. Inside this cave I heard the sound of heaven to become stronger and I could see shadowy figures make inaccurate movements. When it seemed that my eyes had become accustomed to the darkness, the scene in motion turned into something like a huge tunnel of horrors, a supernatural carnival of demons. At the center, presiding over the activities and looking directly at me, there was a giant grinning head of a crocodile from whose jaws sprang a torrential flow of water. Slowly the water went up and so does the time above, until the scene was transformed into a simple duality of blue sky above and sea below. All the creatures were gone.

Now I was virtually certain to be on the verge of dying. As I tried to accept my fate, an even more profound of my brain began to transmit more visions and information. I was "informed" me that this material was presented because I was going to die, I could safely receive these revelations because these were the secrets reserved for the dying and the dead. only vaguely sensed those who send me these thoughts: giant reptilian lying lazily in the deepest part of my brain back, where it joins the apex of the spinal column. I could only vaguely see them in what appeared to be a deep dark.
then projected in front of me a vision. First they showed me the planet Earth was like billions of years ago, before life appeared on it: I saw an ocean, barren land and sky blue. Then black specks of dust rained from the sky by the hundreds, falling before me on the barren landscape. I could see that in reality the "grains" were creatures of the big, black and shiny, with stubby pterodactyl wings and huge bodies of whales, I did not see their heads. They fell down heavily, completely exhausted of their journey as to rest for billions of years. They explained to me in a kind of coarse language fleeing from something in space, had come to planet earth to escape their enemy.
creatures showed me how they had created life on earth able to hide among the many forms and disguise their presence.

learned that the creatures in the shape of a dragon were present in all forms of life , including humans. I was told that they were the real masters of mankind and the planet . We humans were not the receptacles and servants of these creatures, for this reason I could speak from within.

Suddenly I felt the distinctive character of my humanity, contrast between my species and ancient reptiles progenitors. I began to struggle against the danger of returning to the ancient ancestors, who increasingly perceived as alien and perhaps evil ... Now I was anxious

me ask the professional opinion of the Indian who had more knowledge about the supernatural, a blind shaman who had made many trips to the spirit world with the help of ayahuasca. It seemed appropriate that a blind man could guide me in the world of darkness. I went to his hut, carrying a notebook with me and described my visions segment by segment.
"There were these giant animals blacks, like the great bats, longer than this house, who claimed to be the real masters of the world ..." As in the language of
Conibo there is no word for dragon, "giant bat" was the word that best describes what I saw. He looked at me with his blind eyes and replied with a smile: "Oh, they always say so. But only the Cosmic Masters of Darkness!"
