Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Can You Drive With Autism

Orme of a life never finished

I can not remember how much time has passed since the last time I stopped. "No running!" He said. "Every so often there is need to go slow and enjoy the view." But I do not have ever made. E 'stronger than me. I look in the mirror and I see nothing but a wounded man, broke but happy, finally destroyed but able to rest.
No regrets. Maybe if I watched that scene, I would have lost in the leaves of trees and red sunset in midsummer. But I did not. Streams in the mirror, the reflected image did nothing but shout, "Hurry up! You're going too slow! You can not afford breaks, and not a moment to catch your breath! Will be great rewards at the end of the trail, the screams of gorgeous close friends! Then move your ass and keep running, the output at the end waiting for you! "

I lost blood, older than me do battle and emerge victorious-in-some way, I laughed and I cried, I heard the sounds of nature and sounds of destiny for a thousand adventures narrated worlds far apart and wrote the most beautiful verses ever praised by land and sea. I have dealt with angels and demons, and destroyed impulses tamed instincts.
I loved the touch and feel the love itself without fingers of the life lived in freedom. But all this, and listen to me now, everything This has become my entire life. Obstacle after obstacle, I first learned to jump.
jump after jump, I learned to fly.

The track that I leave you, my friend, I hope will be useful and full of hope for the future:

Embrace the flames of hell burn to be able, without lap from the heat of suffering, and when you fire, smile and transcend. Learn to know when is time to abandon the dark in order to access the gates of light. Forget anger, resentment and low feelings: Learn how to crucibles in the peace of mind in the silence of a moonless night when the stars shine in the sky away knowing, my friend, are not that far apart.
Learn to listen to the rustle of wind in the trees, chatting with Sir Wind and carried away by his wonderful singing, above all, When she has to play a symphony composed for you. Swim in the ocean, tramples any land that man has walked on, as love loves himself has learned to love. Follow the trail of stars, the way of your dream that will show you the way out of this world, now invisible to other horizons.
Makes the hope never dies: Feed them with fire from which you were born, fight for it and fight it with you. Be the pure expression of what they really are and why you were born on this earth. Do not let anyone hinder but on the contrary, dares what no man would dare. Learn not to get carried away by emotions and dominates yourself as you would a wild beast, constantly looking yourself in those corners of the world where would never imagine to find you, bring a smile and raised the banner when you fall, without you ever break . Be responsible for your actions and your way of life, dreams that no one even remotely imagine dreaming and plugged their ears when the sleeper, with insistence, will say, "It 's impossible." Wipe the wounds and learn to love your sword accepts the pain with the knowledge that it will undoubtedly grow and you love your flesh torn by too many battles. Avoid like the plague the proceedings and, when judge you, laugh at those who do so because they know this, who thinks he's already someone will never become someone. Distinguish good from evil without falling into the abyss of morality: doing good and destroy the fake opposes cruelty to the screams of those who wants to see you in a cage.
loves, plays, travel and smile.
But above all, Have a disciple of one thousand teachers but be yourself.

time takes over and it just remains for me here now. I'll be back, stay for sure. And when I do, is to take you with me, to those horizons that we loved so much but we were never able to reach from here.

-Gabriel Akuma-


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