Friday, June 19, 2009

Registering A Pwc In Ontario

Growing Together

Starting this school year, our school has become part of the node "Alcantara Valley" of RETETNA - "kindergarten in celebration." Lingfield, Mojo Alcantara, Cesar and Randazzo have created a circuit of schools whose objectives are:
make permanent the training of teachers of kindergarten;
improve the quality of life of children;
acquire culture communication, learning to socialize the most significant actions.
The theme this year was the environment and at the final celebration was an exhibition of products developed by the children of 5 years during the school year.
The teachers have made a theatrical journey aimed at achieving a great closing party on 11 June 2009 at the Colonnade of the Dominicans in Lingfield and represented "EI FU 'the Big Bad Wolf" written and directed by director Melina Zumbo.
Among the enthusiasm of children, parents, teachers, administrators and authorities could not achieve better than the debut project.
See you next year ... enjoy your holidays. The
Carmelita Bonfiglio


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