Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hmong Cheaters The Movie

ends a chapter, it starts a ...

At the conclusion of an examination conducted in the name of peace and of the comparison, we wish Route all fired an excellent life.

The Committee.
The President Prof. Maria Rita Meli

Friday, June 26, 2009

Snap Disk Thermostatic Switch.

More "fruit" of De Amicis.

After the Olympics the Italian language, 4th June at the Middle School "Ettore Romagnoli" Gela, the pupil Bonanno Miriam received an award for a her paper that was in the twelfth national competition organized by the prose of the above-mentioned Institute. A qualified panel of judges composed
by teachers, writers, journalists, representatives of Personality and Culture, have awarded the job skills like getting the pupil narratives.
Please read this little story and if you like, please leave your comments about this writer grass.

"lost in a world of shadows and the idea of \u200b\u200ban ice cream binge HAPPY WITH ME ABOUT IT 'S MORE EXPENSIVE"


Dory wake up! I'm in the middle of a dream. Dad calls me it's already 07.30 am. Usually at this hour I'm awake, but now it bothers me to go to school. Do I have to shower, dress, eat, make the bed. I will not make to arrive on time. No, today I decided that I will not go to school. Little time passed and Dad back, saying: "Hey! What are your intentions this morning and is already Later, get up! ". Basta. I can not do more to hear him speak, his voice muffled echoes in my ears sleepy. This morning I just do not stand, "and ... blah, blah ... blah." One, two, three, I get up, I have no choice. I work quickly, get dressed and walked to school. I know that I'm missing something, but I have no idea what it is. I'm on the street and not know where my feet lead me. Finally arrive, and when the bell rings in class, I sit in my place and if I do not even classmates who come in dribs and drabs, greet me with a simple "hello" that my ears do not perceive. Usually I talk about this and that with each of them, are sociable, but this morning ... Here comes my classmate and I feel a pat on the back, now I wake from my slumber and greet. You notice something wrong with me and asked me: "Sleeping in class, what happens to you this morning?". And 'she was very witty, as usual, while I tell her. "I'm smarter than you, now go to someone else, do not waste time and leave me alone." Not knowing what to change direction. Start the lesson and the teacher arrives., Called the appeal and at least that I can feel it, in his words "Doris" answer "present." Explains and explains two long hours and if you ask me what I knew I would say "I do not know." I comes back to the dream of the night and I feel completely absorbed by a world of shadows, nothing is clear to me and everything seems the same and different at the same time. Last night I dreamed of being alone in a dark room, with a light that dazzled me. I could hear many voices speak to me and I gave them neither hear nor answer. My confusion, my uncertainty ... will probably depend on what the teens that critical period in which we are attracted by all that is new, what looks different from the rules of our home and our childhood that looks attractive? How did it happen? Lost in a world confused, sad, a world of shadows, where it is easy to get lost, and difficult to recover ... I want to find the path of light, continue to feel the clouds of the sky, so blue and calm today. I'm distracted by the confusion of the interval, when everyone tries to free his mind from any thought and dedicate themselves to unnecessary to release the tension accumulated in the early hours. They are forced to abandon my dreams, my thoughts, but I'm looking forward to this quarter of an hour to finish, because today I have the desire and the desire to get lost in my world, and give an explanation to all my doubts and uncertainties. The recreation ends and the silence returns, I think back to that dream and think: I have thirteen years, parents who love me and I am surrounded by loved ones. Thanking Heaven I do not miss anything ... "The task in surprise," says the math teacher, and now? I have to do ... I will continue later! The task is not complicated: four years and two problems. I finish on time, and just handed the bell rings, you go home, waiting for me outside my father, and got in the car say, "Today I have to leave", she replies, "No Miss, you can not. Remember that there are exams in June and you can not miss the studio! "I rebel because I want to go out at all costs but I know that Dad did not appear easily. At home, the skit is repeated with my mother. For the next day I do not have a lot of homework and even if I had today I could not concentrate. Lunch and after I close my room, on a sheet write:
lad ... playful, flowery

MISUSE age is like a day full of joy, clear day, peaceful

... I'll jump on the bed, I cry, then I am calm and think, "If I had not had that meeting there would not need to go out at all costs, and I also understand the reasons of my own."
I have known for some time a boy of seventeen with him and I shook a tender friendship, just today we had to go get ice cream together. I lose myself again in my world of shadows, I can not say if the mother or not? I'm sure he'll understand, after all she is was girl, but I'm ashamed to die and I can not find the words to entrust my emotions. They pass the hours, it's almost 17.00, are still confused, but I think this is the right time to talk to her. I hear my bedroom door open stealthily, it's you, come and my heart beats fast, in one breath say, "Mamy I have to tell you something, sit here" "Tell me," he says. "I met a guy I like, we often meet with the group of mutual friends, today I have to go get ice cream with him." I close my eyes, I do not know what my mother says, because I fall asleep. I sleep a bit, 'then I'm calling "Dory? Dory ... ...? Nice facts and go, someone is waiting for you. I am extremely happy, I settle: I wear a balloon skirt jeans, pink socks and pink stripes, colorful dancers, pink jersey, refer back her hair, put a small springs, among them, a smell, I can not remember which, but it was sweet, just like me. There's very cold, wear a jacket and go ... I do not know how to be able to convince my father, but I leave the house in a hurry. "Bar ... Bar ...?" I think. I head to the streets, there he is patient waiting for me, when I greet him say, "I'm calmer, I spoke with my mother."

... What sweet thoughts, what hopes
that hearts, O Silvia mia! ...

The words of the poet, on which we reflected both in the classroom, I come to mind. I do not remember the taste of ice cream, which was certainly very good. I think back to the sweet laughter and our naive eyes of teenagers. I have to go home: "Hello we feel." He greets me and I come home as light as a dragonfly, proud to have established a new relationship with my mother and happy to be out of that world of shadows that had me confused and delighted for the whole day.
Miriam Bonanno

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gay Cruising Plano Tx

"in Recycle Art"

Day May 25, took place in Ripon, the final day second edition of the Art Contest of environmental education and awareness raising for the school "in Recycle Art".
In the splendid setting of the Church of St. Peter and Paul, the students of the institutions that have participated in the contest, attended the award of works of art made with recycled materials.
Students in 5 years plexus Mother Teresa of Calcutta, accompanied by the INSS. had fun thanks to the animators provided by Ioniambiente, games and fashion show with clothes plastic that a school has created and made to wear to school children.
our installation "The Garden of Eden" has been made with plastic bottles, wood, stones and all that generally buttiamo.Per the joy of us all, won the 2nd prize.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Magnesium Citrate Impacted Stool


Day was held in P. zza event organized by the Loreto IONIAMBIENTE on the competition "RECYCLING IN ART."
Our institute participated with two works made with recycled materials. The kindergarten
Plexus Mother Teresa of Calcutta has won the 2nd prize with the "Garden of Eden" and the secondary school grade 1 with "THE ROBOTS OF FUTURE" was awarded the 3 prize.

Patrick Garasto

Registering A Pwc In Ontario

Growing Together

Starting this school year, our school has become part of the node "Alcantara Valley" of RETETNA - "kindergarten in celebration." Lingfield, Mojo Alcantara, Cesar and Randazzo have created a circuit of schools whose objectives are:
make permanent the training of teachers of kindergarten;
improve the quality of life of children;
acquire culture communication, learning to socialize the most significant actions.
The theme this year was the environment and at the final celebration was an exhibition of products developed by the children of 5 years during the school year.
The teachers have made a theatrical journey aimed at achieving a great closing party on 11 June 2009 at the Colonnade of the Dominicans in Lingfield and represented "EI FU 'the Big Bad Wolf" written and directed by director Melina Zumbo.
Among the enthusiasm of children, parents, teachers, administrators and authorities could not achieve better than the debut project.
See you next year ... enjoy your holidays. The
Carmelita Bonfiglio

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Where Does The Hiv Primary Infection Rash Appear

... Are You Really Free?

Things change. E 'undeniable. It 's so obvious that only avoid looking at the truth is a rejection of the natural evolution of things. We are in a period of enormous change, the reach incredible. Someone keeps shaking his head, pointing toward an inexorable end of its existence, denying a priori any kind of strangeness when any of these presents itself to its own hand.
However, as has always happened, not all are watching the disintegration of the humanity, the perpetual tragedy of a world shattered by the creatures that live there. There are individuals who, with mighty warrior spirit [that true and pure ] have got hopelessly aware of events and acts which, if they ever come to a conclusion, flip humanity and everything for which it is present on the globe.

beings exist, I can guarantee you, that are nothing short of extraordinary . Their features are of men, on this dimensional plane, but in them lies a tireless spirit of Fire. These particular individuals have come here to give a big contribution to the human race, trying to make progress and evolve in every aspect but, more importantly, to make it free from the hegemony of reprehensible beings that inhabit our own nightmares and we have always manipulated by the darkness.
The ancient texts of Thoth [anthropomorphic deity with the head of Ibis, revered in Egypt], to be clear in its Emerald Table, we find large references to what is happening now, the current situation and even the description of the enemy.
He calls them "Brotherhood of the Night", understood as a bunch of cowards that individuals terribly wrapped up from unconsciousness, continue to perpetrate the fraud without knowing that they will never become aware of certain things.
I'm not talking about the powerful of this world, let this be known, because those are just insignificant pawns moved by other entities as well ... disgusting

The God Thoth. In some representations [statues, paintings, etc.], was portrayed as a monkey.

Thoth himself, in the Emerald Table V, apostrophes humanity with different words. In this passage God clearly expresses something that, although it is already come, it seems that it is still in progress.

"Know, O man, that far into the future, invaders from the outside will be profound. So wake up, you who have the wisdom ..."
-Thot, Table V: The Dweller of Unal-

Let science priori negations, and immergiamoci rather in a bad reality, alas, is populated by creatures of every kind that enslaves the human race in order to keep it under your domain. Their goals are clear now. I have written here several times, what we intend to make these "Aliens". For those wishing to learn more, obtain information on the research of Dr. Corrado Malanga.

In their plan, but [especially lately], seems to be a sort crack. These beings have blazing high [and are still raising] the consciousness of men, so as to offer a better resistance and counter-offensive against the Masters of the World. Because what they're
trying to do goes against all laws of the universe itself, and the corrupt humanity now pretends not to see or hear.
Those few who are working in revealing truth, quite uncomfortable, are removed from the foot without too much trouble. Blogs have already become the only source of information, it transformed itself into pay sites which will provide significant cost. And who, with these bribes to be paid, would keep open a blog or a forum? None is the answer!
Every small town in its own way, tries to make sound information, will be taped over your mouth [or, better said, his fingers] and control will be total. All thanks to the incredible Italian laws undemocratic. True liberty, Gentlemen, is happiness. I am terribly disgusted by modern civilization, where to survive you have to be slaves of the moment, I'm tired of living in a world where the most important thing is money, not the feeling, fed up with every negative act that is consumed from all over the world and above all things, I'm tired of the false information through the news and we propinano like shit, ass showing in spades and services on the stupid summer heat. I'm going to vomit.

We are going towards the abyss, probably. But I am optimistic and I know in my heart, that we get out safely. Of course, we will feel the wounds and burns, but we will all one piece. If you also want to collaborate to reverse the situation of humanity begin by trashing the shit you call "television", and turn your focus toward higher vibrational frequencies.

This post is dedicated to Menphis75 that, thanks to his video, was capable of great things, including that of being removed from YouTube for free [and real] that information is illegal. Thanks

- Akuma Gabriel -

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How Many Calories In Homemade Ham Bean Soup

Semi-finals at the Olympics in the Italian language school

After have passed all of the selections provided by the regulation, Miriam students Bonanno, Rosario Coco, Serena Galvez, Corina Lanza, Gaia Wheatear, Valentina Sgroi, Julia Triscari, Simona Vitale, accompanied by the Dean of Grace Emmanuel, from teachers Adele Bongiovanni, Agata Iuculano, Rita Pagano and some parents, Friday, May 29, 2009 went to Larino, to participate in the province of Campobasso, Saturday 30, the national semifinals of the Olympic Games of the Italian language.
The team received the compliments of the organizers for the excellent score.