Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Brain Tissue Destroyed Stroke

Christmas Carnival at school

The Christmas show was a success.
The songs were performed by the children of the kindergarten under the supervision of teachers;
a working group that every year has borne fruit. While adults and children more 'great scenery have made manually, parents have helped in setting up the stage and to organize the party with the exchange of greetings between schools and families.
E 'was a wonderful afternoon, thanks to the always masterful presentation of NSI. Carmelita Bonfiglio, so that the spectators were thrilled and moved by what has been done.

Patrick Garasto

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Banana To Masterbate For Guys

project continues' EDUCATIONAL

The first meeting between students of different school levels, was held successfully. The children sang nursery rhymes in dialect and repeated around the Christmas trees adorned with decorations made in primary school classes and sections of kindergarten. Head teachers have welcomed students and teachers, the experience ended with sweets and candy for everyone.
Patrick Garasto

Wart Like Thing On Knuckle

A Christmas ... .. All creative

Christmas is approaching and with it comes the time to make the crib. This is a way to involve teachers, children and teaching staff, each with their own creativity and imagination. In
plexus Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the crib was made in the common space of the two schools (circle and educational Don Milani Institute Incl. De Amicis).
We used different materials and imaginative, the parents have contributed moss, wood etc.. For those wishing to engage
children at home in the construction of houses, we suggest that you copy our idea, that is to use empty cardboard boxes, paint, and enriched with various materials (bark, moss).
We wish you Happy Holidays and Have fun ....
Patrick Garasto

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Trichomoniasis Post Surgery

The creation of reality and the trap planetary

The article that I'm going to offer fits perfectly the situation in which we stand, but I do not want to spoil the reading of this with my summary.
I just hope that breaches in your hearts and that is a bomb of conscience for all those who are going to read. Good Reading

The creation of reality and the trap of planetary
Salvatore Brizzi


Faced with the problems of the world, we often feel frightened and look for someone or something that "protect us" ... but not really we are helpless victims of random events, we are divine beings descended into matter to learn to develop greater awareness ...

The globe is at the same time a planet-school and a trap for souls.

-school is a planet because all souls are but fragments of God incarnate here to experience self-consciousness - the feeling of being there - and develop new quality forever. In other words, the soul uses the body material - a biological machine - to attract people and circumstances around her that allow her to develop more and more love, more unity, to the day when the individual does not perceive finally "One with all things."

But this planet is also a trap, because each of us, once embodied in the material plane, it stops being the one all-encompassing and totally identified with a particular biological machine, forgets its evolutionary purpose, and above all begins to believe that there is a world "out there" on which we have no control and which is under the thumb.

believe that the world is something separate from us and not only one of our projection, is the root cause of all the fears that beset us. Our fears arise from the superstitious belief that it could exist a world outside our consciousness, separate from us, who can act on us irrespective of our will. This policy totally bogus to relate to reality has been invented, disseminated, and is still fed by certain "forces" that govern the world in the shadows. But they themselves are prisoners of their trap.

Each of us creates, often unconsciously, situations and people that are more useful to take the next step in its evolutionary path. People and things are not outside us but within us. The soul - the conscience - literally materializes in the "outside world" only what it needs. To the extent that we identified - asleep - in the body, we are not aware to be creating the world we suffer and then the decisions of our own souls as if they were our own. Only the inability to hear the voice of our true essence makes us seem sudden and unexpected life events. While the extent that we feel to be a soul, we become too conscious to be materializing everything that happens to us moment by moment. The consequence of this new attitude is that all fear disappears and we become free at last.

The elite that rules the world in the pay of certain "forces" is made up of individuals highly intelligent, refined connoisseur of the human psyche. They know that the population feeding the stupid superstition that there is an external world consciousness can influence the human being, it will remain forever a slave filled with fear. In fact it is no coincidence that science, education, politics, the economy ... are all based on this paradigm of knowledge: self and the world we are two separate things. Thus the world becomes an idol to be worshiped and feared. This is the paradigm of fear, poverty and insecurity. This is the sin of sins that forced the man to leave the Garden of Eden. We believe that the world may be hidden dangers and unexpected surprises, when in fact only ever encounter in the world ourselves. Everything is unexpected in the eyes of those who do not know.

Nani psychological prisoners of their terrified animal nature. Here in what turned humans. Like insects crawling on the surface of the globe awaiting the moment when a foot bruise them putting an end to their suffering. As we went down we divine and immortal warriors?!

an example. One day the office staff of our company tell us that we were fired. What do you feel? Each of us reacts in a different emotional expression. Each of us reacts according to what it is. Some become aggressive, another starts to cry, another is happy because he could not wait to leave, another feels lost and tries to commit suicide ... and so on. But they share one attitude: they all believe that fearsome and all-powerful entity known as the "World" has befallen them from the outside. Which of them will instead have the courage to think: "I'm fired. I used the world to fire me. To emerge precisely the emotions going through me right now." I've just given a magic key, use it in all circumstances and will soon open the door, do not need anything else.

are our emotions in shaping the world, and not vice versa. The reality is made of light, also found in physics, and this light is easily malleable to be part of our consciousness precisely because it is within our consciousness. We are warriors, Bearers of the Flame, the undisputed masters of our reality ... and instead delegate to the outside world the power to decide when we are allowed to be happy and when not. We have elected the outside world to our God, we adore, and the fear we prostrate at his feet, got shit in superstition and now devoid of any dignity. Believe the matter is just superstition, that the world consists solely of images. People do not exist by themselves: children, work colleagues, partners ... are only images that remind us parts of ourselves that we do not want to know, do not want to face, we will not overcome.

complain, accuse others, the events of our sick, our image is like blaming the mirror ... and angry with her ... and afraid of her. We have the fear of being fired, run out of money, be an aggression on the street, of being robbed, getting sick, of being abandoned by their partner ... We are hypnotized by a mysterious "outside world". We believe that misfortune can strike "at random" ... we can not conceive of Hidden Intelligence - ours - that creates the events around us according to our evolutionary needs ... and then we worry about what could be in store for the world, like a creature of God Almighty.

our idolatry and our superstition are skillfully used by those who govern the world to keep us in a state of apprehension: the economic crisis, immigration, terrorism, pandemic, pedophilia ... But the world has no independent existence, it's just a stupid lifeless screen on which each of us projected images of himself. In us is life, and we are the directors of the film.

This is an Appeal. For years to come are fearless warriors, men and women, Bearers of the Flame. The trumpet of Judgement has already rang: Come out and Assemble. Do not you feel the flame burning in your chest as you read these words? The Warrior Spirit embodies the true power because he knows that the world can not make him no harm, the warrior knows that he will live only the crises and challenges that will serve ... that he will be creating for autoiniziarsi. Therefore, no longer afraid of the world, and be fearless escapes to each cage psychological ... becomes unpredictable ... dangerous.

Salvatore Brizzi
DEO DUCE COMITE IRON (God as the guide as a companion sword)

taken from http://www.nonsoloanima.tv/index.php?contr...article_id=1128


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Toothbrush For Donations

to the theater to see "ALADDIN'S LAMP"

The theater is an expression that humanity has always been used as a tool for communication and sharing of her own life.
Children who attend school and primary Acireale went to watch a theatrical performance of great impact stage. Indeed
between dances and songs, our talented actors and a fake camel, kidnapped the attention of children.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Which Are The Healthiest Dried Fruits


This season of many colors is the ideal time to go in search of leaves in the woods.
The sections of kindergarten, children decorate the windows, the posters, and backdrops with trees, colorful leaves and animals that will go into hibernation.
Children are drawn to the windows decorated with pumpkins and witches hats. The natural curiosity
prompting them to ask questions about Halloween, the school, without emphasis, he explains the origins of this feast.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How To Emulate The Touch Screen Through Usb

The Challenger

"I know that somewhere, hidden within our being to force a singular appearance from a very weird indeed. It feeds on, man, the bad vibes generated by anger and resentment, anger and fear, terror and suffering. Cultures of the world and every time they wrote up for it, is not it, though it was not visible to the human eye.
be rid of the aforementioned vile should not be so difficult, nor as complicated. But even 'is easy. For daring is the challenge. For warriors who want to kill themselves entangled with nothing of the Infinite Universe.
So once freed himself intellectually and spiritually, philosophically speaking, you will have smoothed the way to woo the knowledge and wisdom going around that belong in mental abortions only to little children.
And from there you can see that the secret of life on earth, the hidden reason of man's existence on a tiny blue dot and lost in the galaxy known as the Milky Way, the last to know that forces us to overcome life experience here and now, is nothing but ...

Beyond the irony with which I composed the song you have just read, the subject matter in this post is of great importance. Not only that, I'm going to explain what is likely to be a Awakening of the biggest pillars of the individual, a giant of spirituality that not everyone can understand, really, but that is imposed on the spiritual path of any being that has had the audacity to walk the path up to this point.

The argument, in short, is that of the Challenger. Named for comfort-and a bit to understand this better-, the opponent is on our side that we tackles, which offers us an eternal struggle continually. At this point I think, now, that there was no talk of good and evil, but only the evolution of consciousness, despite the opponent is a parasite and above all well and good-as-soon, it is essential to overcome the barrier that will allow us to reach a level of consciousness of gigantic proportions. [You know Goku super sayan? Well, then here we go! -L 'is an allegory, as Dragon Ball, like many other cartoons, many hidden facets to the alchemical background / spiritual unimaginable. For example, have you ever wondered what the Path of the Dragon Goku goes after death? Or the seven spheres? Well ... never mind ... A word to the wise-].

There are, however, other ways to become aware of these states implies that the excess of the challenger: the only way to prove the results on your skin is to experiment.
Experience the eternal challenge against yourself, against a surface mind that hinders human awakening and torments him with idiotic thoughts without meaning and purpose. The perennial struggle of a single sword against sword fighting for his release last, a real prison. Yourself.
be able to break your mind and finally bring the inner silence within you? I hope so ...
See the "other side" when you are no longer identified with this piece of meat that writes to your computer ...

Here's the key. The door is right there: it's up to you to decide whether or not open it. I give you the keys, the choice is entirely yours.

The Challenger

- Akuma Gabriel -

PS: The documentary, which explains in detail the situation in a very satisfactory, is divided into fourteen parts. Enjoy it all in one breath, as this is really the most amazing thing that you can find all over the web.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Get Water Out Lcd Screen

Time? In

usually in my posts, I attempt to speak [many times doing free-wheeling of the dissertations that do not enter the port for the window], on subjects as varied that move with slender and shadowy forms in the vast landscape of spirituality. There is much to write and much to discuss but, of course, beautiful as it is, the insights are understood by only the most spectacular and when we become aware of certain receptive to noumena.
One of these topics, in particular, [as Stresses the title] Time.
is not easy to discuss something that escapes and leads us, of something that may very well be compared to a deception but that reflects a dominant factor in the historical context in which we come to live here and now. The man is inclined to think, to normal, that time flows inexorably, Never coming back and that is outside all the time, leaving no scape to enjoy moments of pure feeling. From an early age was brought up to be on time to go to school, to do a certain thing, or to be exact-least-respected of the features that are often associated with the time factor. The ritual by which a man performs certain things is undoubtedly related to our dependence on time, our slavery to this tyrant dimensional, for a bizarre game of understanding seems to be against us.
It 'hard to imagine a world without time since the dawn of humanity (?? - If they can define them), man has always tried to confine, circumscribe calendars, clocks and so on. A method of controlling the slack time, the vain illusion of being masters of something that, if faced head on, only the non-existent flow of our consciousness. How do you imagine, then, a world without time? A world where there are no clocks, no calendars, no hands ... where everything happens is guided by the hand of the Soul ... how?

The time factor is probably something that should not be transcended but must be fully understood: We are not slaves nor masters. How can we be slaves or masters of something that simply is not there? Have you ever thought, for example, to the eternal motion of the planets? Eternal transcendental movement that drives these wonderful clusters of life along a route to greater consciousness of them?
The questions are many and the answers few, but as I always say, it is good to go in search of questions and not answers ...

During the succession of my life and the consequent development of awareness, I noticed that the "time" changes forms and directions, ideas and thoughts, changing into something different from the usual "time" conventional thought of as a great big clock hanging in nothing more than ever that keeps on ticking continuously. There is no mention of events, but real life. Not something temporary, but permanent. In some cases, for example, time passes quickly and in others more slowly. Imagination, someone will say. But maybe not convinced?
Everything is driven by personal awareness and how it lives and operates the experience that we are experiencing at that precise moment of its existence.
you remember when, as children, were sitting there hoping the dentist's chair, clutching the doll preferred in hand, that the torture would end soon but, right in time seemed to last decades? Here ... So here we are.

As you continue along the path to this strange beast that staff in our vibrational frequency has called "time" varies in relation to precisely our degree of understanding towards it.
I tell you now how I live now the time based on my personal experience:
time does not exist. And 'This is the central issue to understand. I touched up close for the first time when, in the strange experiences of consciousness and presence, I felt like a big bubble that expands and shrinks around the conscious. At the extremes of the bubble are glued events: if the bubble is close, the event is near and will happen soon, if the bubble is large, the event will occur later. This bubble expands and shrinks continuously, depending on the degree of consciousness of the human individual.
For example, an event that must happen to make me understand a thing. The event is far away [bubble expanded], and no one knows when it will arrive. Suddenly I become aware of a thing and the bubble shrinks to a minimum. The event happens and understanding is immediate.
Why? Just because the bubble is adjusted according to our conscience and change based on the latter. The argument

is awfully large and complicated, impossible to explain the way with simple verbal discussions.
This was only a short excerpt of what I have polished understood through the observations and personal experiences.


- Akuma Gabriel -

notice that you are reading:
If you came here in this corner of the web, is for a reason. You have not been guided by the hand of fate, and even a hypothetical god play dice dangling from the stars.
You are here because you feel you need something. Maybe a plot. Well.
If you feel in you a call that crosses the gates of understanding, I suggest you visit this forum. It is not advertising, because I'm not the administrator. Suffice it to say that there are souls who are working to revive the world and change this experience of life on earth that should not be at all.
If you like, and if you hear the call, give us a jump. See you there. Mental stress

Friday, August 28, 2009

Community Service Service Letterd

ass Nibiru

It 's been so much time from when the legend was born. And it's been so long since my last post. Not exactly a long time but who runs a well-defined period of time in which the unusual event after another. Chance, some will say. There is not even
the shadow of a doubt, for the common man, so things happen for a reason. Have you ever thought about when, long ago, when you read a certain book and I had not understood? Did you re-read later, years later, after having "completed", "evolved" ... and have it fully understood in its essence.
E 'exactly what is going on: things happen out of pure understanding. Things happen only when they want to happen, at that precise moment the being that dwells within us is receptive and able to understand the accuracy of conscience on the fly.
But this is not, however, that you want to talk. It would be a terrible waste of energy and space to put in writing any single event worthy of note. Events that would in all probability, someone would not understand and turn up their noses at reading of absurd things, information that tells the story of alien and distant planets, astral travel and powers forgotten. It looks like a science fiction movie, and why not, it could be. The problem is that we are in the middle of the film. A film in which all contribute, but as a good B-movies, the heroes behave like balls and refuse to make efforts nell'incarico entrusted to them, seeking the coveted "normal life".
Forget the amenities, for now, and we move into a fascinating field.

For years he has been discussing the history of the mysterious planet Nibiru. Someone films, the others are propaganda, others revere him and others crapped. The cabaret show that is taking place on planet earth is all to laugh: the uninformed a priori deny anything, laughing at serious research of various professionals and pointing the finger at the superstitions of the people. Some rise, with sword and flag in hand, ready to support the cause until his death, vowing that everything is all true or false, depending on the type of idiot.
the record straight, of course, do not put anyone to the end. None. So let's take stock of the situation spitting bone.

Nibiru exists. It is probably a brown dwarf, a star, which is to take place a sun in a small-for-note the solar system consists of two other planets that orbit, probably inhabited by some race. Sitchin, one of the first to have narrated the story of pianeta/stella-, said that the celestial body has an orbit very special indeed: every 3600 years takes a trip around the sun, comes dangerously close to our beloved Earth. What does all this entail? Assuming that information is misleading and wrong, see you in the face of an inevitable catastrophic event, in which not only the orbit of the Earth, but many other planets, would be visibly altered, and then continue with the party of Armageddon on earth disasters galore, endless tsunami, earthquakes and impacts with incandescent riding the sky.

Is it any wonder, what does this mean? And why is because this type of information to the masses?
Well, let's meet in order: First you must know that on earth there dwell a multitude of energy vampires, including the malanghiani "lux", and several alien races-the so-called mantis, Reptilians, Greys and so- . These, or most of them feed on the energy aroused by negative emotions as bad. You do not need a degree nor a large list to understand that despair and worry-mongering in general, trigger a certain type of emotion, which should be to serve as food for these aberrant beings. This is one of the main reasons.
But the real, genuine and primitive, it is quite another. I am well aware of the big risk in writing this type of information, but it's worth it.

Our dear friends of the NWO are well aware that there is no time. Neither for us nor for them. They have nothing to lose, and decided to play all their cards in the smartest possible way. Beware, though: do not underestimate. NEVER. Our friends, aliens, first and foremost, I'm not as stupid as the dear Professor Malanga argues the contrary: they are monsters of strategic ability and mental health. Recall that we have held in check for an endless period of time. Not cheap.
Their plan to steal-Soul to humans (about 220,000 on earth) - is failing miserably. They are afraid, as always, and transform this world as a mirror of them is not enough to make us complacent. They have no plans to implement complicated and intricate historical montages. They're losing and they know it.

After this necessary premise, let us know the latest map stronzoni: man-or rather, those who are animated with the draw-with a particular universal law-the Law of Attraction. " Knowing this, the NWO, accompanied by happiness brigade of Reptiles and Insectoids whistling, spreading information about a planet that is coming on our side and set off the panic. Some, as is inevitably the case, plunge into the trap and think tirelessly to Nibiruiano uproar, drawing the event moment by moment. And here we are at this point. I will use the words of a Rettilone to fully explain the situation:

-have become too curious. There are things that do not need to know, because everything can change with just a glance. We need more time, given that we still have not found the medicine to our transcendental disease, then I propose a plan.
* He stands up, clears his throat and begins to explain *
-shedding information about the planet Nibiru, saying it is approaching and therefore inevitably result in untold disasters in its wake, so you get a double benefit from the situation: nutrition for us and return to the primitive state of humanity. We will have more time to perform experiments and rape anime, continuing towards our goal, we would like thousands of other centuries.
* He sits down and they all cheered, roaring approval to the commander

* This could be a rough hated the theater held by unclean entities who conspire against us.
But they reckoned without his host. We play cards.

Nibiru is not here, and will not give even to pay him a strip in the best local world. All this misinformation is only used to alarm the people, as explained above. Then, a FUCK
nice to Nibiru, which roams the universe for his cock and living his life galactic. And a nice FUCK YOU to the powerful of the earth. To all those who have sold their humanity and conscience for nothing because nothing-get-by betraying his race.

Good Life

- Akuma Gabriel -

http:// www.luogocomune.net/site/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3292

Monday, August 10, 2009

Grooping In Busfree Movies

Whisper of Soul

[Remember to pause the playlist at the side before seeing the video].

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Shotgun Microphones Az

of men and lethal viruses

Lately it comes to viruses that are born and die in the blink of an eye. Virus reach stratospheric, according to reports from our doctors, but actually conceal secrets accumulated over the years. People are used to reflect the collective mind, the mind of the "Challenger", the surface mind that speaks all the time and proceeds with its aim to drain energy until the death of poor unfortunate. This mind, of course it is, is alarmed at all. And all there is wisdom. When in '76

swine fever invaded the world, vaccinations were made mandatory for all . Now history is repeating itself once again. Double insult, double damage.
Some believe that pharmaceutical companies only care about our health, others feel it stinks and investigating, searching a wide variety of solutions, even at the cost of digging and nail to drown in their blood.
The first step is the regime, the second betrayal, the third oblivion. Our "dear friends" are now implementing the second phase of the plan, knowing perfectly the condition of consciousness of the people and, consequently, from while the iron is hot.
The waters are shaking so much a threat to their plans, and many scenarios are possible that could be skipped in disaster. Nothing is more fun.

But we analyze in depth the question:
for fall is expected the arrival of a new virus: it has all the characteristics of swine fever except for some details. It 'was actually changed in the laboratory and scattered here and there with whom it may concern, hired by pharmaceutical companies and organizations around the world forever saved my ass.
After alerting the public with messages doom, curses and scaremongering varied, continue with their plan with every intention of make the vaccine mandatory.
The vaccine ... the true beast that will halve the world population if not stopped. But our buddies continue undeterred with their plans, and I fully intend to make it mandatory in every country. And there will be blows to those who do not want to do.

At this point the question arises: what are we? Men or beasts? Christ, just thinking of making mandatory any idea what is so repugnant and horrible for me to be sick. It 's so obvious that it is a hoax, they can be removed to kick ass with a loud laugh.

The situation is clearly moving on a chessboard they did not imagine not playing. They had the pieces ready, the ace in the hole and the sharp tools of war. However they had not reckoned with the awakened consciousness [and who are awakening] especially in recent periods.
There is nothing to hope for, there is nothing to be done. The worry goes away with a smile and must be replaced with the insouciance worthy of a child. All this scaremongering is created on purpose to fall into their trap because, you know, our friends are aware of the law of attraction and, without the consent of our souls, their plan goes to hell.
Stay centered and then scroll down, in the words of Osho dear. Concern? Never! Any
what will happen, it will be just for fun.
await the next move, then we will see what to do. The pieces move, and maybe even an "insignificant" kid can do checkmate ...

I leave you with an interesting article about the whole thing, which explains in some detail the circumstances and the tricks that lie behind it.

Without forgetting, of course it is, our pal David Icke.


- Gabriel Akuma -

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Post Period Painful Urination

The multimedia works of the state exam

Some students have achieved the third class of multimedia works that are presented to the oral examinations stato.Per This group has created a small website. follow the link to access described: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/lavoriinterdisciplinari/

Friday, July 17, 2009

Psilocybin Syringes Answers

the breaking point

E 'for several days [a relatively short period of time], I'm trying to put down some notes about the events that are being treated and which are happening to me moments later moment, in pursuit of the Infinite. I have not been able to describe the situation adequately enough, and I think there'll ever. Words fail in order to carry on this plane of existence is something that by nature can not be told, described or narrated, as is an ineffable something a priori. The only way to understand and predict aware of the situation and live it. The experience is the most devastating weapon for understanding the experience that drives the man from the beginning of its cycle of evolution and brings it to resonate with certain frequencies ever higher, ever higher.

What I am trying to talk about is a specific state of consciousness. It is not really remember him, that too will eventually be overcome and replaced by something vastly larger, it is not self-remembering, and even the normal sense of presence to oneself.
In this state of consciousness throughout the universe moves in a terribly bizarre. It 's like to be aware that you are dreaming, knowing full well that this, here and now, is a dream. False yet real, tangible yet insubstantial.
The thought is silent, no noise from the chatter that our side alone without stopping for a moment. Silence. Eternal presence in this scenario that captures the world of existence and see it flow from a distant point, indefinable. There are no words. There are no thoughts. Only a part of ourselves hovering over the world silent, listening and observing, permeating every crevice of the present instant. Recently, a few words

Yaqui shaman Don Juan Matus, Castaneda's teacher, I was terribly impressed. I would then bring them back here because I feel really important things to be understanding and awareness of the absolute.

In this track I go to offer, Castaneda describes what he means by the words don Juan Matus Inner Silence:

"Don Juan called the Inner Silence as a peculiar state of being, where all thoughts are deleted and where you live at a level different from that of everyday consciousness. The Inner Silence of the suspension means inner dialogue, the ever-present companion of our thoughts, and is therefore a condition of complete peace ... "

This state is achieved by shaking of the interior in our being able to detonate the bombs as an individual. Everyone has a different experience to take note of how powerful is the Inner Silence. He says about Don Juan:

"In shamanism, the Inner Silence is the point from which everything arises. In other words, everything we do leads us to this state that, as always happens in the world of shamans not emerge if we are not shaken by something huge ...
The Inner Silence begins to act the very moment you begin to accumulate. The ancient shamans wanted to get the ultimate result, namely the achievement of the individual threshold of silence ... "

The achievement of this state can easily be compared supreme ecstasy, in which everything back together without form and disintegration. Everything moves, everything continues to proceed in life as normal for both, but the perception that state is wildly different. It is not the meaning, is not the view nor the touch or any other sense, but rather a whole new perception, unlike any experienced before.

"This result was what the ancients called shamans stop the world, the moment when everything around us ceases to be what has always been" It's about wanting

consegure this state-which, tell the truth, comes in a completely unexpected. " The will guide you through the tunnels of your being and you will not be alone no purpose, no goal to reach, only the liberation of themselves.
Everything becomes real and unreal at the same time, however, paying attention to time prensente at any time. You'll know for yourself how amazing and powerful you will find yourself to what is infinite power of the Soul ...

"I must have fallen asleep as usual, because I dreamed of being in the Mexican city where I had made an appointment with Don Juan. It was a place that had always intrigued me. I had often sat on a bench next to the cheese counter. In Don Juan dream I was waiting at the counter next to the cheese. I went.
< Inner Silence>> I said, giving me a pat on the back. < >
We went for a walk and I was happier than I ever was. The dream was so vivid and so frighteningly real that I had no doubts and I was convinced to have solved my problem, even if it was just a fantasy dream. Don Juan laughed and shook his head. He must have read my thoughts. <> said. Inner Silence < not make dreams, but you'll find out just because you choose to know ...>>

What we are looking for us is the separation. It 's the breaking points that will allow us to break away from this world forever. Without remorse, no regrets.

- Akuma Gabriel -

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Would A Sinus Infection Raise Your Blood Pressure

walk in your Light

This I am going to propose is an excerpt from a book Move to special and interesting, from an author's boundless wisdom and insights from the unspeakable.
The song was cut here and there, and is certainly not complete. I find at least a duty-to-any, share it with you all.


A young man complained to Rabbi Rabbi Rizin:
"During the hours when I am immersed in my studies
feel life and light,
but as soon as I stop to study all this disappears.
What can I do? "

E 'as possible. If you listen to me, it can happen. Listen, sometimes it can happen that you feel life and light, because even listen to modify the body's chemical balance. Listening to my voice, its rhythm, a long time, in a state of attentive presence, the chemical balance of your body is transformed.
keep on watching, subtle hypnosis occurs. Continue to listen, do you think stops . Feel the Life. Feel the light. But do not depend on it, and do not take it as a personal victory.
I ask people: "What is meditation that fits you most?" Many say: "The speech of the morning. When you listen, meditation goes deeper." But this is a kind of hypnosis. Is' beware! It might be exactly what happened to the young Rabbi.

A young man complained to Rabbi Rabbi Rizin:
"During the hours when I am immersed in my studies
feel life and light,
but as soon as I stop to study all this disappears.

When you leave this auditorium and you find yourself alone, how long you've experienced a deep meditation with me? will be gone. Before you've already reached the gate will not be with you anymore ... and it is good to be gone. Otherwise'd be in the grip of an illusion.
It 's good that you can not take her home. It 's good that you can not depend on. Otherwise, seeing as you did, it would a precious commodity, and just forget that you do not belong.
Unless religion is not yours, as if nothing had happened. And 'this is one of the greatest truths to remember all the time, as the mind has a tendency to forget ... Everything is so easy cheap!
hear him read the Gita, or the Talmud or the Bible, you are transported out of mind. A foreign element acted upon you. The element stranger can be Jesus, Buddha, or me, but someone outside of you has dragged upwards. Once that is no longer present, slip back into your reality. It almost always happens that you sink even lower than before. And 'as if I were walking along a road. The night is dark and a passing car. For a moment he looks a strong light, the car's headlights dazzle you. Then, when the car had passed, the darkness is deeper than before. Listening to me, as I read the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud, a car passes with the lights very strong. For an instant you dazzled, you're taken out of his wide dark night that surrounds you, but when the car had passed, when the Buddha is past, when Jesus is gone, suddenly you're immersed in darkness even more profound.
Go and look at the human mind: you will not find anything more corrupt than in the rest of the universe. It 'totally corrupt, down to the roots. And the reason is this: so much light, and so little capacity to absorb ... as the ability to absorb the light comes only when you grew up.
If you look at a lamp, a flame, the third eye begins to function: it feeds on light. That's why it difficiledormire during the day because there is light and the third eye continues to run and vibrate. That's why it's hard to sleep at night with the lights on. It would the dark, otherwise the third eye continues to run, and the function of the third eye, is awareness.

The young Rabbi said
"During the hours when I am immersed in my studies
feel life and light,
but as soon as I stop to study all this disappears.
What can I do?"

Rizin The Rabbi replied:
"This is like when a man
through woods on a dark night, and for a while
is accompanied by another man with a lamp in his hand, but at the crossroads
they separate
and the first should only be continued groping.
But if a man carries his own light with them,
will have no reason to fear the darkness. "

you encounter along the way, I have with me a lamp. Suddenly you are no longer in darkness, but the lamp is mine. Soon we will separate, because you have your way and I mine. Everyone has his own individual way to reach their destino.Per a while you forget completely dark, my light is for me and for you. But soon the time comes when we must separate: I'm on my way, you continue on your own. Now you go back to groping in the dark, and this will be even deeper than before.
So do not depend on the light of another. It 's even better if you are in darkness, but at least it's your darkness! The light of another does not useless, even your darkness is preferable. At least it is its darkness, its own reality. And if you live in your darkness, gradually become less and less deep. Can you forward groping. You will learn the art, you will not fall over.
The blind do not fall. Blindness belong to him.
Even his darkness is a good thing. The mistakes are preferable to the virtues of others, remember ... because the mind is always trying to imitate, to borrow. But what is truly important can not be borrowed. No, you can enter the kingdom of God with borrowed money, you can not. You can not bribe the guards, because there are no guards, and you can not get through the door like a thief, because there are no doors.
You have to walk, and walking your way you will create. There are no ready-made roads. And that's what false religions continue to teach people, "Come. Here is a freeway. Become a Christian and you no longer need to worry. We take us all the burden, we will charge!"
Jesus says: "Be yourself". The Vatican says Pope: "Follow the Christianity." Everything is against Christ, Christianity, all churches are against religion.

walks in the darkness ... because your walking, groping, little by little, you too will find the light. When you your darkness, the light is not very far. When the night is dark, the dawn is near ...

- Osho, The True Wisdom, Chapter I: To walk in your Light -

- Gabriel Akuma -

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Blacks Eyes on Planet Earth at all costs

I would like to present to readers of this little corner of Web XTimes an extract of the magazine [magazine conducted by Maurizio Baiata for a certain period of time, and founded by himself], which discusses topics quite interesting. In this you go to write the same review, it examines a very specific theme, in which context you try to look old written report shocking truth so obvious as to be almost ridiculous.
course, not everything has to be taken at face value, you know. But rather than try to grasp information that we are interested in leaving the personal opinions of the writer. Some parts are, to say the truth, very interesting and I decided to share with you this piece, so you can understand how extra-dimensional entities that haunt us always are cited throughout.

Good reading

Blacks Eyes on Planet Earth
The Holy Scriptures, including the texts rejected by the prevailing dogma, revealing a hidden rule that involves the entire universe. Their study can be a useful tool for understanding the UFO phenomenon.

Modern man suffers from total amnesia and incurable. It seems to have forgotten it, that there is only one space, one realm of existence, but many. Quantum physics to the screams loudly, unheard. The book "Genesis" never speaks of heaven, but to Heaven. The Hebrew Shamaym (Genesis I) is in fact a plural. In the Our Father, Jesus speaks of a Father who is in Heaven and not just in the sky. Heaven is, however, a term always the "hidden" hidden dimension. Jesus spoke of many mansions. Paul wrote of a battle to wage against mysterious creatures that dwell in a Dominant celestial region, the spiritual tradition, is the astral region. In "Ephesians 6:12" revealed: < >>. And 'one of the most disturbing and powerful revelations of the entire New Testament. " Analyze them in the original greek: << Our war (wheel) is not against beings of flesh and blood, but against principalities (Arkas, Archons) and Powers (Exiusìas), against the Dark Lord of this universe (kosmocratoras tou skotous toutou), against evil spirits or malignant (Pneumatikas ponerias tes) that lurk in the heavenly places (epouraniois) >>.
seems that early Christianity was made up of cosmic warriors, got to fight that invisible spirits or intelligences called Paul Powers, Archons, dominated. According to Gnosticism and the Jewish cabal, these forces have created the visible universe imitating the creation of the universe made invisible by the Most High. They dominate the destinies, would govern the karma of individuals and peoples, would judge the souls. How to frame the UFO phenomenon in such a scenario slave? UFOs are a fact the nature of which escapes almost completely.

UFO and Multiverse
With few exceptions, the firm seems to Ufology, alarmingly, to a vision masterialista and horizontal as the phenomenon of UFOs Aliens connected to it. Almost all the ufologists is linked, without knowing it, the yoke of the rulers and the astral earth science subservient to the power of the Archons. They watch the show and do not include being taken by the nose. Where the book of Genesis suggests a multiverse through the myth of Jacob's Ladder, ufology continues to believe this is the only visible and material universe. It follows the belief of the inevitable coming of aliens from other planets or systems or galaxies, and then from another point of the visible universe, wrongly considered infinite, if it is just a big hologram. All of this, neglecting quantum physics discovered that as many as 11 layers of the quantum field, in line with the principle of the 11 Kabbalistic Sephiroth Tree of Life. Even more ridiculous, the man believed to occupy the first rung of the food chain, where it is only one link of that chain.

avid Anime
Someone, in the recent past, has realized this truth. One of these was Charles Fort, followed then by science fiction writer Eric Frank Russell, in the novel "Invisible Slaves" ("Sinister Barriers"), illustrated a truth that sinks in Gnosticism in Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Iran. Gnostics were to say that these astral entities Dominant-l 'astral plane is fine, the realm of dreams and of human thoughts, half of the kingdom of eternal light and matter-fed on human souls, their life energy is fed , emotional and sexual health, making them stationed in Maya, the illusory realm, for eons, unaware of the manipulation dall'astrale and then destroy them permanently, drained of their essence. This is the second death mentioned in "Revelation" by Dante, from St. Francis and the "Egyptian Book of the Dead", the true death, the final extinction of consciousness. In fact, biological death is just a transference of the soul in another physical vehicle. In light of this, the words of the proto-Christians, or of the Christian Gnostics, take on a universal significance. Not only the words of Paul in "Ephesians," but also those of the apostle Philip, the Gospel of the same name, generating strong doubts about all that we have been taught: The Archons << wanted to fool the man because they saw that he had the same origin of the good spirits. The Archons took the name of the good things and gave it to things that are not good, so that, through the names, deceive men and tie them to things unclean ... Why they have decided to take the free man and make him a slave to them, forever ... There are powers that give this man that he did not want to be saved (Philip 13) >>. The framework prospettatoci by these heroes is not encouraging. The Archons animals see us as expendable, but we are in our intimate gifts, we have a divine spark that they tend to blind and stun, to guard against it, to release the soul from the eternal yoke of the Archons. And that the Archons we use food as a source of "energy" reveals him to Epiphanius, in his "Against Heresies" 40:2: < They < (Gnostics, nda) say that the Soul is the nourishment of the Archons and Powers can not live without it, because it comes from the dew from above and gives them strength > >. No UFO researcher, so far, seems to have sensed this framework, neither seems to have started working in this direction. If there are entities that use us as a source of food, the whole universe is enslaved by this force, so even any aliens that might come from another place in the same space-time. The verse of 1 John 5:16 is clear: << the entire universe is under the control of malignant >>.

Masses and Handling
The first to realize a source and nature multidimensional phenomenon was Jacques Vallee, but his vision was easily defeated by other more rational theories, ascientiste flat. Moreover, the same discussion of Vallée has significant shortcomings, due to its tight-spiritual unpreparedness. I would say that Vallée was suitably marginalized from the dominant horizontal ufology, as there is a component of rulers, in the human soul, which continually conspires against the light and awakening, temptress I dare say, that prompts us to direct our minds to what is not truth, ie to the poster and letter. The point of things is this: the astral intelligence is manifest to us in some form, knowing that mankind is so dull to see only the letter of the phenomenon must be interpreted according to the science contingent, known to be insufficient to explain ' beyond. This is a fantastic work of manipulation of the masses that fits in the current neo-spiritualist. The operation the base is the same. You try to interpret things with the vision of the high low, is, starting with dully materialistic vision. The effect becomes the cause, the cause and effect. Instead of analyzing the low with the high principles, it does the opposite. In this way, the neo-spiritualism materialism emerges only as a disguise. I wrote that the UFO phenomenon is an objective fact, but it is a fact that this phenomenon has no extra-terrestrial origin as it is commonly understood. Has an origin, rather multidimensional. So alien to be understood here as "extraneous matter". Most cases of UFO evidence of alien Grey. Our fathers had in high esteem the physiognomy and symbolism.

Dark Lords
These gray present two eyes blacks. How to interpret? These beings rifrattari to light? Here there is an allusion to physical light, but the ultra-physical, the eternal light, the Truth, the Light beyond the light. They are beings of darkness "stradominano" the human psyche, because they are higher up the ladder of Jacob. How to explain the Greys? The Archons send in this plan -I should say in this hologram parasitic low-energy hierarchy, which I define as "reapers," responsible for collecting and channeling the energy mass of human and back to their fathers and masters astral. These energies possonoa ssumere any form, but the Greys are presented to us with this form, as with other forms came up in the past, gnomes, goblins, ghosts. It is no coincidence that often, witnesses have spotted the UFO as risparire emerge from nothing and then nothing. In reality, these intelligences, they move to dall'astrale physical, astral and physical, and their imperfect bodies of light shows on the physical disks surrounded by a halo as electromagnetic. The great deception of this phenomenon elusive and premeditated is to make us believe that they are aliens, and we the earthlings, but it's exactly the opposite. The souls of some humans come from another universe, a higher dimension, and I literally fell into it. The sign of the fall is the "corporizzazione. Made blunt and oblivious, intended to identify only with their personality null and void, linked to the world of the senses, the souls are inclined only to see and scan the sky and a light material. Jesus told us that he was not in this "extension" and we with him, which does not mean being from another planet, but in another plane. The question is, what the soul has to do with a hard-metal, if it is capable of forming a body of light to convey the consciousness along the ladder of Jacob? The suspicion arises that the deceivers want to prevent exactly this, what would the end of slavery and the attainment of eternal truth and freedom. How do we relate the Merkaba, or wagon of Light, as described in "Ezekiel" and the "Book of Kings" (Elijah ascended in a chariot of fire) with veivolo aliens? If blood can travel to any size, what are we to make of us, a flying saucer? Because this world has never valued the intro-navigation at the expense of exploration of the outer darkness, this space-time (toutou skotou Paul)? Why on earth science has never investigated the immense potentialities of the soul? Can not and will not, because it is servile to deceiving spirits. It 'so servile as to say that God, the soul, the spirit does not exist because their existence is not scientifically measurable and provable. There is a paradox for which a license has the unreal unreality of what is real: the typical inversion of value of the Archons. I sold to Arcana diligent in keeping the age-old status quo, have come to support the intelligence that would flow from the brain matter, rather than from the universe, repeating the old trick of the trade effect for the cause. It 's a trick of nature Ahriman, to quote the theories of Rudolf Steiner "and bestemmievole rampant" materialism conceals the mystery of the Kingdom that is within us. The human race, not of this world, for some of its members, has always worked for astral dominion, and is not minimally conscious. Each of us works for the Archons, included in this great machine designed to call the eternal slavery world. Everything we do, think, feel, this is fodder for astral dregs, capable of the most horrendous crimes, psychic vampires that are hidden in an inaudible frequency range, and undetectable to our senses land, but not to those of the soul. An important aspect of the Great Deceit hard metals or at least those that appear as such. The Archons know how to control the vibration of thin material astral, and condense the astral energy flow, appearing in Maya with a technological aspect subolamente. I use the term "stealth" is not by chance. Their purpose is to delude ourselves that the evolution depends on the development of technology, but this is absolutely false. They made us believe, thanks to the triumph of the Darwinian theory, that we are descended from apes. It 's easy to see that their intent is to impose the concept of time as the arrow of evolution. But it is the opposite. The time marks the fall. Our souls, which sat in a no-time, not falling over time, which is the metronome of removal from a primordial state of bliss and the Source. We are not coming here like monkeys, but as beings evolved spiritually and in time they forgot and have suffered a setback. The real-Darwinian evolution is not lamarchiana, but has evolved from serving coscienza.A this technological development if we remain slaves for all eternity? Travelling in, to know oneself, is the true evolution. Lead us to take us outside of ourselves, we know where someone taught that the Kingdom of God is within us. They encourage us to believe with violence only in the visible universe, and the origin of alien life from another quadrant universal. What is real in hard metals and their electro-magnetic field the rest is the mere appearance of condensation of astral matter. These energies may go beyond the area that corresponds to the size of astral-psychic dream of mankind, infraregno between the size of those of light and matter. In "Genesis I" is said that these must be separate realms: the waters above, Shamaym, waters below. This is going beyond their powers denied by immensely large as it is written in the Book of Jacob 38:11: < < far we come, and no further, and here you will break your proud waves > >. This passage is denied by cosmic powers immensely larger, which have managed to confine them in the astral after a long rebellion cosmic mentioned in the biblical text. Envy, they decided to mimic the ipercreazione High, making humans perceive as God

Back to the Light
The domain has been established since Adam, designed to dominate and control, it was eventually dominated by deception and inexperience. And with the deception continue to manipulate us. Today the Great Initiates laugh at the past of our short-sightedness. Their souls came here to show us the way out. < < Get out of this country > > Yhwh said to Abraham (Genesis 12:1) << ... I am stranerio on Earth ... >> (Psalm 118:19). Some of us have gifts and Gray, occupy any hierarchical position in the nomenklatura rulers, they know it. Knowing this, well they perform their task of overseers of the eighth. Every time a human being awakes from this state of sleep, they are immediately and systematically fought and often killed. This is the way esoteric hidden deeper in the story of the escape of the Jews in Egypt described in the Book of Exodus. " The Pharaoh and the Egyptians are the Demiurge (the sub-god who does not know YHWH), the Jews are divine sparks scattered in this plane, Moses is the Messiah of the end of time. Of course, this is also in us. Therefore, in section 3, Yhwh tells Moses to have heard the cry for help of the Jews in Egypt because of their taskmasters, and know the suffering inflicted on the Jews because of them and says, < < have come down to rescue ... > > not in the sense it has dropped at that time. The Logos said to Moses < < I followed Adam in his fall because of the Archons ... He is not only ... One day will be free > >. And that day is approaching. I therefore urge the reader to discern. We know that approximately 95% of what it's raining on my head emanates from the domains for their own purposes of domination. Even 95% of our thoughts emanating from the left side and when they are offline and teach, are often killed and their teaching distorted and even ridden. It is easy to understand the big picture, because the little light we have inside is drowned in an ocean of darkness. A good start means starting to dominate the subsidiaries and Grey that is in us.

- Akuma Gabriel -