Friday, August 28, 2009

Community Service Service Letterd

ass Nibiru

It 's been so much time from when the legend was born. And it's been so long since my last post. Not exactly a long time but who runs a well-defined period of time in which the unusual event after another. Chance, some will say. There is not even
the shadow of a doubt, for the common man, so things happen for a reason. Have you ever thought about when, long ago, when you read a certain book and I had not understood? Did you re-read later, years later, after having "completed", "evolved" ... and have it fully understood in its essence.
E 'exactly what is going on: things happen out of pure understanding. Things happen only when they want to happen, at that precise moment the being that dwells within us is receptive and able to understand the accuracy of conscience on the fly.
But this is not, however, that you want to talk. It would be a terrible waste of energy and space to put in writing any single event worthy of note. Events that would in all probability, someone would not understand and turn up their noses at reading of absurd things, information that tells the story of alien and distant planets, astral travel and powers forgotten. It looks like a science fiction movie, and why not, it could be. The problem is that we are in the middle of the film. A film in which all contribute, but as a good B-movies, the heroes behave like balls and refuse to make efforts nell'incarico entrusted to them, seeking the coveted "normal life".
Forget the amenities, for now, and we move into a fascinating field.

For years he has been discussing the history of the mysterious planet Nibiru. Someone films, the others are propaganda, others revere him and others crapped. The cabaret show that is taking place on planet earth is all to laugh: the uninformed a priori deny anything, laughing at serious research of various professionals and pointing the finger at the superstitions of the people. Some rise, with sword and flag in hand, ready to support the cause until his death, vowing that everything is all true or false, depending on the type of idiot.
the record straight, of course, do not put anyone to the end. None. So let's take stock of the situation spitting bone.

Nibiru exists. It is probably a brown dwarf, a star, which is to take place a sun in a small-for-note the solar system consists of two other planets that orbit, probably inhabited by some race. Sitchin, one of the first to have narrated the story of pianeta/stella-, said that the celestial body has an orbit very special indeed: every 3600 years takes a trip around the sun, comes dangerously close to our beloved Earth. What does all this entail? Assuming that information is misleading and wrong, see you in the face of an inevitable catastrophic event, in which not only the orbit of the Earth, but many other planets, would be visibly altered, and then continue with the party of Armageddon on earth disasters galore, endless tsunami, earthquakes and impacts with incandescent riding the sky.

Is it any wonder, what does this mean? And why is because this type of information to the masses?
Well, let's meet in order: First you must know that on earth there dwell a multitude of energy vampires, including the malanghiani "lux", and several alien races-the so-called mantis, Reptilians, Greys and so- . These, or most of them feed on the energy aroused by negative emotions as bad. You do not need a degree nor a large list to understand that despair and worry-mongering in general, trigger a certain type of emotion, which should be to serve as food for these aberrant beings. This is one of the main reasons.
But the real, genuine and primitive, it is quite another. I am well aware of the big risk in writing this type of information, but it's worth it.

Our dear friends of the NWO are well aware that there is no time. Neither for us nor for them. They have nothing to lose, and decided to play all their cards in the smartest possible way. Beware, though: do not underestimate. NEVER. Our friends, aliens, first and foremost, I'm not as stupid as the dear Professor Malanga argues the contrary: they are monsters of strategic ability and mental health. Recall that we have held in check for an endless period of time. Not cheap.
Their plan to steal-Soul to humans (about 220,000 on earth) - is failing miserably. They are afraid, as always, and transform this world as a mirror of them is not enough to make us complacent. They have no plans to implement complicated and intricate historical montages. They're losing and they know it.

After this necessary premise, let us know the latest map stronzoni: man-or rather, those who are animated with the draw-with a particular universal law-the Law of Attraction. " Knowing this, the NWO, accompanied by happiness brigade of Reptiles and Insectoids whistling, spreading information about a planet that is coming on our side and set off the panic. Some, as is inevitably the case, plunge into the trap and think tirelessly to Nibiruiano uproar, drawing the event moment by moment. And here we are at this point. I will use the words of a Rettilone to fully explain the situation:

-have become too curious. There are things that do not need to know, because everything can change with just a glance. We need more time, given that we still have not found the medicine to our transcendental disease, then I propose a plan.
* He stands up, clears his throat and begins to explain *
-shedding information about the planet Nibiru, saying it is approaching and therefore inevitably result in untold disasters in its wake, so you get a double benefit from the situation: nutrition for us and return to the primitive state of humanity. We will have more time to perform experiments and rape anime, continuing towards our goal, we would like thousands of other centuries.
* He sits down and they all cheered, roaring approval to the commander

* This could be a rough hated the theater held by unclean entities who conspire against us.
But they reckoned without his host. We play cards.

Nibiru is not here, and will not give even to pay him a strip in the best local world. All this misinformation is only used to alarm the people, as explained above. Then, a FUCK
nice to Nibiru, which roams the universe for his cock and living his life galactic. And a nice FUCK YOU to the powerful of the earth. To all those who have sold their humanity and conscience for nothing because nothing-get-by betraying his race.

Good Life

- Akuma Gabriel -



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