Friday, July 17, 2009

Psilocybin Syringes Answers

the breaking point

E 'for several days [a relatively short period of time], I'm trying to put down some notes about the events that are being treated and which are happening to me moments later moment, in pursuit of the Infinite. I have not been able to describe the situation adequately enough, and I think there'll ever. Words fail in order to carry on this plane of existence is something that by nature can not be told, described or narrated, as is an ineffable something a priori. The only way to understand and predict aware of the situation and live it. The experience is the most devastating weapon for understanding the experience that drives the man from the beginning of its cycle of evolution and brings it to resonate with certain frequencies ever higher, ever higher.

What I am trying to talk about is a specific state of consciousness. It is not really remember him, that too will eventually be overcome and replaced by something vastly larger, it is not self-remembering, and even the normal sense of presence to oneself.
In this state of consciousness throughout the universe moves in a terribly bizarre. It 's like to be aware that you are dreaming, knowing full well that this, here and now, is a dream. False yet real, tangible yet insubstantial.
The thought is silent, no noise from the chatter that our side alone without stopping for a moment. Silence. Eternal presence in this scenario that captures the world of existence and see it flow from a distant point, indefinable. There are no words. There are no thoughts. Only a part of ourselves hovering over the world silent, listening and observing, permeating every crevice of the present instant. Recently, a few words

Yaqui shaman Don Juan Matus, Castaneda's teacher, I was terribly impressed. I would then bring them back here because I feel really important things to be understanding and awareness of the absolute.

In this track I go to offer, Castaneda describes what he means by the words don Juan Matus Inner Silence:

"Don Juan called the Inner Silence as a peculiar state of being, where all thoughts are deleted and where you live at a level different from that of everyday consciousness. The Inner Silence of the suspension means inner dialogue, the ever-present companion of our thoughts, and is therefore a condition of complete peace ... "

This state is achieved by shaking of the interior in our being able to detonate the bombs as an individual. Everyone has a different experience to take note of how powerful is the Inner Silence. He says about Don Juan:

"In shamanism, the Inner Silence is the point from which everything arises. In other words, everything we do leads us to this state that, as always happens in the world of shamans not emerge if we are not shaken by something huge ...
The Inner Silence begins to act the very moment you begin to accumulate. The ancient shamans wanted to get the ultimate result, namely the achievement of the individual threshold of silence ... "

The achievement of this state can easily be compared supreme ecstasy, in which everything back together without form and disintegration. Everything moves, everything continues to proceed in life as normal for both, but the perception that state is wildly different. It is not the meaning, is not the view nor the touch or any other sense, but rather a whole new perception, unlike any experienced before.

"This result was what the ancients called shamans stop the world, the moment when everything around us ceases to be what has always been" It's about wanting

consegure this state-which, tell the truth, comes in a completely unexpected. " The will guide you through the tunnels of your being and you will not be alone no purpose, no goal to reach, only the liberation of themselves.
Everything becomes real and unreal at the same time, however, paying attention to time prensente at any time. You'll know for yourself how amazing and powerful you will find yourself to what is infinite power of the Soul ...

"I must have fallen asleep as usual, because I dreamed of being in the Mexican city where I had made an appointment with Don Juan. It was a place that had always intrigued me. I had often sat on a bench next to the cheese counter. In Don Juan dream I was waiting at the counter next to the cheese. I went.
< Inner Silence>> I said, giving me a pat on the back. < >
We went for a walk and I was happier than I ever was. The dream was so vivid and so frighteningly real that I had no doubts and I was convinced to have solved my problem, even if it was just a fantasy dream. Don Juan laughed and shook his head. He must have read my thoughts. <> said. Inner Silence < not make dreams, but you'll find out just because you choose to know ...>>

What we are looking for us is the separation. It 's the breaking points that will allow us to break away from this world forever. Without remorse, no regrets.

- Akuma Gabriel -


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