Sunday, January 2, 2011

Confirm Volunteer Letter Sample

mirror on the wall ....

mirror on the wall ... who is the prettiest? Rhetorical question, the provocative unknown dips the index finger of his left hand in a pot of fragrant balsam, while the right mishandles a lock of hair (blonde of that indefinable that posterity will call 'Titian') knows this to be the most beautiful of them all. Confirmation is there in front of her, the mystery of his seductive reflection. There's a man in the shadows, probably very much in love, which gives her a hand with a flat mirror, while the other will move a larger, convex, with precious wooden frame, placed behind the neck, so that dilate the spectacle of so much beauty in a view enlarged, two-dimensional. The result is an intriguing play of light when the girl can also be appreciated from the back, almost like a sculpture. Vanitas vanitatum.

The women's extraordinary painting, executed between 1513 and 1515, by Titian in his early twenties - he was born, as is believed, in the eighties of the fifteenth century - is now in the Louvre Museum which, cunningly, the exhibited in a room next to the most talk of vanity, Leonardo's Mona Lisa.
Who will be the most beautiful? Mirror on the wall.

behind the model. It 's still dense mystery about the identity of the two characters portrayed. Some see in the woman's lover Alfonso d'Este and Federico Gonzaga. Others think it is by Titian and his future wife Cecilia Soldano, married in 1525 after she had two sons, Pomponio and Orazio, Lavinia and died giving birth in 1530. Other interpretations instead, they would see in the picture nothing but an allegorical representation of Painting, in a position to know, through the virtuosity of the double and the reflection, what the eye is forbidden see.

Melisa Garzonio

Anyway ... this beautiful and perfect woman was at the court of Charles I of England after the English revolution was the Sun King's court and after the French Revolution moved permanently to the Louvre .


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