Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Do You Reupholster Boat Seats

Van Gogh

Plant sacred from time immemorial, the olive tree is hero of many legends that have given this divine origin.

Jewish tradition says that the seeds carried by an angel and placed between the lips of Abraham, who is buried on Mount Tabor, had three plants:

a cypress, cedar and olive trees.

The Bible contains many references to olives and olive oil.
For example, after the flood, the dove out of the ark, brings an olive branch to Noah, Moses receives the instruction to prepare an ointment of spices and olive oil, and the Good Samaritan pour oil and wine on the wounds of the victim of robbers, and the wise virgins keep the lamps filled d ' olive oil.
In Jerusalem's Mount of Olives.
Virgil praised the olive tree:
"And you though, if you are wise, measures, that 'your number fields that thrive in peace dear arbor fruitful."

the olive tree also has the same origins in ancient Greek mythology greca.Gli tell of a race between the sea god Poseidon and the goddess of peace and wisdom, Athena. The victory was awarded to those who had produced the most useful gift to the city recently built in the Greek region of Attica. The goddess plunged his spear into the ground, turned it into an olive tree, symbol of peace, a source of food and fuel. His gift was considered the largest, and the new city was called Athens in her honor.

Finally, the oil represents the force (an olive tree was the club of Hercules).
why .... has been used for centuries to anoint kings, emperors and bishops, in their coronation.
Saul, the first king of Israel, was anointed by Samuel, who poured a jar of oil on the head. Hundreds of years later, across the Mediterranean, the Frankish king Clovis was anointed with olive oil at his coronation. Other
thirty-four kings of France were then anointed with oil taken from the same bottle in a pear shape, until its destruction during the French Revolution.

What about a plant .... extraordinary ....
oil is even used the leaves to relieve fever and provide relief against malaria. We know today that contain salicylic acid, the same molecule, in the willow, which in 1893 developed Felix Hofmann aspirin.


Once they were the tallest trees of the forest and straight ....
but now are small bass and all grow very little crooked ... because they are all crooked olive trees?. with the mind I see an olive grove ...
every tree sculpture, full of low branches and all to enjoy the warmth of the sun and
black olives, all that green embraced by black silver-studded blue sky. When
were put on the cross Jesus, the high priest Caiaphas
sent for two long and sturdy wooden beams to the cross of the Nazarene ...
woodlands scattered with the wind, the voice of this research ...
palms trembling with fear and would not be good for the wooden cross and the long lost folglie svuorarono you inside ...
the officers examined them and discarded .
They were very happy not to be useful ...
then headed to the grove ...
the olive trees to the news .... one by one they were assaulted by a huge pain ... they did not want to be the wood of the cross .... wanted to die ...
wanted to uproot from the ground and pain intertwine themselves tore up the bowels ....
willing to sink to hide the sight of men ....
they would not be complicit in the killing of the son of the Creator, and while crying were reduced to twisted forms cramped useless for anything ...
men .... to see these monsters of trees they were almost frightened and fled, forgetting the reason for the search of the wood ..
the uilivi rejoiced and wept with happiness.
tears turned into small droplets, called
olives, good for everything
to nourish, to alleviate, to slide .. to decorate, to give the blessing and encouragement for the dying ...
them is the gift of the Father Creator for refusing to become complicit in the killing of her son ...
and when someone looks at these works of art
and pauses to think they have attracted almost without knowing why ...
foolish if someone says that it is bad that tree trunk ...
the olive sly and happy for ages answered "no matter the outside ... what matters is the heart."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sister Told Me To Jerk

Nature motionless in cold


Monday, January 17, 2011

What Kind Of Oil Should I Use To Stretch My Labia


Forwarding with pleasure the invitation to an evening organized by the GAS LAMBRATE to talk about urban livability and environmental sustainability. WEDNESDAY
'19/01/2011 at 20.45 in Via Porpora 45

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cellular Respiration Ap Lab Answers]




Sunday, January 2, 2011

Confirm Volunteer Letter Sample

mirror on the wall ....

mirror on the wall ... who is the prettiest? Rhetorical question, the provocative unknown dips the index finger of his left hand in a pot of fragrant balsam, while the right mishandles a lock of hair (blonde of that indefinable that posterity will call 'Titian') knows this to be the most beautiful of them all. Confirmation is there in front of her, the mystery of his seductive reflection. There's a man in the shadows, probably very much in love, which gives her a hand with a flat mirror, while the other will move a larger, convex, with precious wooden frame, placed behind the neck, so that dilate the spectacle of so much beauty in a view enlarged, two-dimensional. The result is an intriguing play of light when the girl can also be appreciated from the back, almost like a sculpture. Vanitas vanitatum.

The women's extraordinary painting, executed between 1513 and 1515, by Titian in his early twenties - he was born, as is believed, in the eighties of the fifteenth century - is now in the Louvre Museum which, cunningly, the exhibited in a room next to the most talk of vanity, Leonardo's Mona Lisa.
Who will be the most beautiful? Mirror on the wall.

behind the model. It 's still dense mystery about the identity of the two characters portrayed. Some see in the woman's lover Alfonso d'Este and Federico Gonzaga. Others think it is by Titian and his future wife Cecilia Soldano, married in 1525 after she had two sons, Pomponio and Orazio, Lavinia and died giving birth in 1530. Other interpretations instead, they would see in the picture nothing but an allegorical representation of Painting, in a position to know, through the virtuosity of the double and the reflection, what the eye is forbidden see.

Melisa Garzonio

Anyway ... this beautiful and perfect woman was at the court of Charles I of England after the English revolution was the Sun King's court and after the French Revolution moved permanently to the Louvre .