Monday, November 29, 2010

Songs To Play Basketbal To


You will all have received the letter, reproduced in part below, the City of Milan City Council on initiatives for the school. Many parents have responded in Milan, in person or in a choir, to the claims "self-congratulatory" Moioli Councillor and Mayor Moratti.
If you are interested in signing a collective response, I point out the following site:

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chlamydia Dormancy How Long

Representatives of class and school

It communicates urgency of communication between school and class representatives of the parents in the different plexuses of the Comprehensive Roli for the information of the minutes of meetings school.

There is no communication in the various complexes could use facebook and the blog. We are looking for someone who manages more than me in the different primary and secondary school children plexus of Borgo San Sergio and domain Or Dolina!

I asked the class representatives and the school to know their positions by writing directly on the blog or by emailing parents and write contacts to communicate with.

For a better service and knowledge more 'fruitful to address the various issues.
Mr. Massimiliano Dazzi (approx. class) had the pleasure of communicating with a representative of the Institute of Tomizza school if you can be contacted by his school communications regarding your email:

Paola Borselli Chiozza Plexus Altura

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Travel From Pune To Coorg

The poetry and the word

Come on .. eh nimble, fast, slowly, slowly ...
v'affrettate not, then do not write love poems now, eh, that are the most difficult, wait until you have at least eighty years.
Write them on another subject ... I know ... by the sea, the wind, a radiator, a tram late ... here, that there is something more poetic another!
Do you understand?
Poetry is not outside, inside ... What is poetry, not ask me again, look in the mirror, poetry ... you ... And vestitele good poems, look for the good words ... you have to choose!
Sometimes it takes eight months to find a word!
... Choose them that beauty began when someone began to click.
From Adam and Eve Eve ... you know what drive was first to choose just the fig leaf!
"How is this to me, this is how I, as this is me .." has stripped all the figs of paradise!
Fall in love, if love is not quite dead ... dead! Everything, eh!
you fall in love with you and everything becomes alive, everything moves dilapidated ... the joy, happiness and squandered be sad and silent with the exuberance! Do
blow in the face to people happiness! How do you do? ... Let me see the notes that I've forgotten ... this is what you do ... I am not able to read them! Now I forgot!
forward to happiness, you have to be happy and to convey the pain, you have to be happy.
Be happy!
You have to suffer, become ill, suffer .. do not be afraid of suffering, the whole world suffers! Eh?
And if you do not have the means, do not worry ... just to name a single poem What is needed ... everything!
Do you understand?
And seek not the news ... the news is the oldest thing there is ...
And if there is to this position, from this, to be so, well splurge on earth! Get it! There he is ... ...
Ohoo is lying down you see the sky ... Look
beauty ... because I have set before us ... What do you look?
Poets do not look, see. Get
obey the words ... If the word 'wall', the wall does not give you straight, do not use it more ... for eight years, so learn! What is this? Dunno, I do not know!
That's the beauty, how those verses written there that want to remain there forever ...
Force, delete all ... and we must start!
The lesson is over.
Hello guys I'll see you Wednesday or Thursday ...
Hello goodbye.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Airsoft Guns In Fredmeyer

Dear parents of the Comprehensive Scarpa,
on behalf of the Parents 'Association will meet on 24/11/2010 the shareholders' meeting, at the elementary school on a Clericetti from 21.
You are all invited to participate. On that occasion will be presented for approval the budget of the Association and will explain the past and future activities.
It 's the right time to learn about the Association, join or renew your subscription, and bring new ideas, proposals and energies.
you there! Marina Castellano

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Shunygold Walkthrough


Dear friends, I am writing to inform you that the organizers for the party in the winter of elementary school is putting in motion. The first meeting of the Parties of the Parents Association will be held Thursday, November 11 from 21 in the school itself. At that time you decide
workshops, entertainment, snacks and tasks of each organization and success of our party. We
new forces, people who want to spend some 'time at the school, which bring new ideas and new enthusiasm.
You are all invited to attend the meeting.
Give your support to Clare Silva (Contact Celebration Commission),

hello and thanks to all marine and