Friday, September 24, 2010

Labeling Pirate Ship Parts

Yin Shih-Version 2.0

In this passage of ruminations, journal of developments in this subtle and consciential library of real life experiences lived, I found myself having to journey towards wisdom step after step. The journey, once begun, it becomes a lifestyle, a path that has as its goal without a mountain peak, a forest without borders unexplored and which, however, is the only and only sovereign. There is much to learn and lots to learn. One step and planted a flag in my being is but a small step: the humility that we must learn is never enough.
After two decades spent in contemplating the universe, a sword fight against a thousand versions of myself, and after writing a fatal historical context in which we all of us to live in virtual materialized, now I can do that give the sword to become the sword, as he told a close friend of mine that I consider a brother in every respect.

There is a need in need of renovation, as it does not always flow the same water at source and I know it well, so I decided to change course and explore the woods which are sovereign within myself to maybe browse different rivers and tell their incredible journeys and adventures. Adventures of interstellar travel that-until now-only for me but I kept that in my opinion the time sharing you with a wider audience.

If you are reading this piece of life, now you know why you're here.

"Let it be your heart to choose the goal, and reason to seek the way ..."


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Unblocked Cubefieldgame

October 14, 2010 September 21, 2010 - CHECK BLOG ROLI

Good morning to all parents who read to us from now on, on

inter-faculty initiative at a meeting last March 2010 and representatives of all classes of second primary Including G. Roli, with the help of the employee of the Manager, we took the opportunity to put a link in the parents' blog site to confront, undertake the challenges involved in each of the various complexes school levels (kindergarten, primary and secondary school) and make suggestions but also to give a new tool to more immediate greater involvement of parents (or engaged with the work can not always stay informed about news)

have been identified at the time, as administrators of this blog:

- Ms Massimiliana Budicin A Third-class representative " A. Frank and Roli Institute and Vice-President of the Parents of teaching Italian language schools in the City of San Dorligo Valley-TS;
(Mother of Giancarlo Surez-third grade "Anne Frank" and Titian Surez - first grade "Anne Frank") for the complex of domain Or

-Ms Paola Borselli Chiozza Third-class representative C "Don Milani" (mother of Massimo Ianderca - third grade "Don Milani" and Annalisa Ianderca - first grade "Don Milani") for the complex of Altura.

Therefore you need the availability of other 2 directors (representatives) to the above blog for Dolina plexus and the plexus of Borgo San Sergio.

Through this blog we update with a view, in the meantime, administrators. Sincerely

Maximilian and Paola

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lexapro And Breasfeeding Thomas Hale


We finally have a space for us for the new challenges the doubts as to all the schools that are part of the Comprehensive Roli Trieste!

Make room for your comments, which will be scanned by a moderator, if they are disrespectful and irreverent and not accepted will be removed later.

Happy School Year 2010 / 2011!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Flight Simulator Appply Air Brake

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