Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Can You Drive With Autism

Orme of a life never finished

I can not remember how much time has passed since the last time I stopped. "No running!" He said. "Every so often there is need to go slow and enjoy the view." But I do not have ever made. E 'stronger than me. I look in the mirror and I see nothing but a wounded man, broke but happy, finally destroyed but able to rest.
No regrets. Maybe if I watched that scene, I would have lost in the leaves of trees and red sunset in midsummer. But I did not. Streams in the mirror, the reflected image did nothing but shout, "Hurry up! You're going too slow! You can not afford breaks, and not a moment to catch your breath! Will be great rewards at the end of the trail, the screams of gorgeous close friends! Then move your ass and keep running, the output at the end waiting for you! "

I lost blood, older than me do battle and emerge victorious-in-some way, I laughed and I cried, I heard the sounds of nature and sounds of destiny for a thousand adventures narrated worlds far apart and wrote the most beautiful verses ever praised by land and sea. I have dealt with angels and demons, and destroyed impulses tamed instincts.
I loved the touch and feel the love itself without fingers of the life lived in freedom. But all this, and listen to me now, everything This has become my entire life. Obstacle after obstacle, I first learned to jump.
jump after jump, I learned to fly.

The track that I leave you, my friend, I hope will be useful and full of hope for the future:

Embrace the flames of hell burn to be able, without lap from the heat of suffering, and when you fire, smile and transcend. Learn to know when is time to abandon the dark in order to access the gates of light. Forget anger, resentment and low feelings: Learn how to crucibles in the peace of mind in the silence of a moonless night when the stars shine in the sky away knowing, my friend, are not that far apart.
Learn to listen to the rustle of wind in the trees, chatting with Sir Wind and carried away by his wonderful singing, above all, When she has to play a symphony composed for you. Swim in the ocean, tramples any land that man has walked on, as love loves himself has learned to love. Follow the trail of stars, the way of your dream that will show you the way out of this world, now invisible to other horizons.
Makes the hope never dies: Feed them with fire from which you were born, fight for it and fight it with you. Be the pure expression of what they really are and why you were born on this earth. Do not let anyone hinder but on the contrary, dares what no man would dare. Learn not to get carried away by emotions and dominates yourself as you would a wild beast, constantly looking yourself in those corners of the world where would never imagine to find you, bring a smile and raised the banner when you fall, without you ever break . Be responsible for your actions and your way of life, dreams that no one even remotely imagine dreaming and plugged their ears when the sleeper, with insistence, will say, "It 's impossible." Wipe the wounds and learn to love your sword accepts the pain with the knowledge that it will undoubtedly grow and you love your flesh torn by too many battles. Avoid like the plague the proceedings and, when judge you, laugh at those who do so because they know this, who thinks he's already someone will never become someone. Distinguish good from evil without falling into the abyss of morality: doing good and destroy the fake opposes cruelty to the screams of those who wants to see you in a cage.
loves, plays, travel and smile.
But above all, Have a disciple of one thousand teachers but be yourself.

time takes over and it just remains for me here now. I'll be back, stay for sure. And when I do, is to take you with me, to those horizons that we loved so much but we were never able to reach from here.

-Gabriel Akuma-

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Retirement Cake For An Attorney

Moments of Time ... Event final exams

Today June 26, 2010 in the auditorium of the Institute's examinations took place was in class III C.
This essay was submitted by the pupil David Mazzeo who conducted the examination as the main theme being the "Red" (his favorite color).
We present this work with David complimented by the entire Subcommittee III.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Birdland Free Erotic Comics


Within the framework of the Randall Town Hall Square on the afternoon of 11 June last year, was held under the auspices of the City of Randazzo, the final event of "Retetna - Polo Alcantara Valley - Preschools in celebration. "

The network consists of 5 schools did a project that moves on two tracks of work: one reserved for children 5 years and one of the teachers. Children have played a trail here:
"The environment: preservation and rediscovery of the historical, artistic, cultural and natural heritage of the territory"
producing several works on display in the exhibition at the cloister and city participated in the contest "a kite as a friend" organized by the network to select the logo.
A triumph of colors and joy given by the effervescent presence of children from the Institute of Comprehensive "E. De Amicis "Didactic and" Don Milani Randazzo, The Comprehensive School "Pirandello" in Lingfield (school leader), The Comprehensive School CesarĂ² (Cesar-San Teodoro) and the Institute of Comprehensive Mojo Alcantara (Santa Domenica Vittoria - Wicked - Roccella - Mojo Alcantara).
312 children, wearing T-shirts colored according to the school of origin and fitted with a balloon of the same color they marched along the old town.
The event was dedicated to children killed in the earthquake of Haiti through the symbolic launch of all balloons.
After singing the official hymn of the network and a song on the theme of solidarity, the small children were accommodated to enjoy the spectacle staged by teachers. Script created by the same teachers with a particular mix of fairy tales led by director Melina Expert Zumbo.
It was particularly striking to see teachers of all ages and proven professionalism to bet in a comic performance that has a lot of fun the more than 1000 people present.
addition to students and parents, in fact, was attended by mayors, aldermen and school administrators, DSGA of all the municipalities involved in the network of schools and many other guests.
perfect match between the schools - groups - local authorities and voluntary agencies who worked so professionally to the success of the event.

The Contact
Carmelita Bonfiglio

Friday, June 4, 2010

Mild Alcohol Poinsoning

Scrolling life after life, the man is corrupt and, together with his divine nature completely forgotten, has corrupted even the Earth itself. Mirror and punishment of a punishment from the Soul Soul itself, we find ourselves lost to an event horizon littered with confusion and stormy seas. From a view of Chaos and Order from which we were born together, we became corrupted by clouds of inexperience and laziness. And now, fallen angels in a land of the damned, here we are changed in appearance and thought. Now there's light Where there was darkness. Where there was
Order now there is chaos.
But like an ancient prophecy told by the blind prophet of cultures forgotten hour flight we see the Eagles of Victoria, high in the sky, fair and spirited them.
Free from the shackles of the past, gliding and defy the wrath of the false with the insolence of those who know they're right. Their wings cut the air, lash the conscience and scream to the world:

"Wake up, folks, that we we were fallen angels! Yet here we are, the higher the Paradise, a stronger god! Everything we do, you too can do it! "

choice after choice, s'incede bleeding to consciousness, or at least it opens a breach in the gray walls of the mind to allow sunlight to filter. We are like trees, but never live and never die, holding the branches to the sky, that wonderful light grooves that portray the poetry of the Soul ...

And once again, infected by the disease of liberty and soiled by the desire to live, the warriors who dared to take the call of the Eagles wield the sword of redemption against the guards that we were confined to the corners of the map, imprisoned false in a maze with no exit and trapped in the deception of time itself.

E 'then that silence becomes the guardian of our essence, in the dark while sharpening the blade of the sacred presence and searches on terror where the demons dwell. Ready for a challenge of unsustainable daring, we dove headlong into our dark, conscious of our immortal nature and a fiery spirit that screams from the highest peak in the world

"Meet your demons and send them to 'Hell! "

Accept the challenge, then, because there are more constructive. Not on this planet.

And after a lifetime spent chasing the impalpable, the darkness finally show his true face, to reveal your own face reflected in his.
move with boldness, warrior, because after all the blood lost along the struggles of a life, you can not understand that the essence of your enemy and accept it.

Only when the tears bathe your face, and only when there is someone at your side to dry ... only then the battle is over.
down your arms and face.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Whats The Best Headguard For Bjj

Volleyball Tournament final

At the end of the current school year, as a check of the programming carried during the hours of physical education at the end of the sports included in the POF, it was organized a women's volleyball tournament and male.

The tournament is intended to classes III was divided with a knockout round.
The teams were formed at the discretion and in accordance with the components of each class.
Classes for AS 2009/2010 winners were the women's tournament for the B III and C III to that of men.

The meetings were intended to arouse and strengthen in children the habit to use movement as a responsible participation in group activities, such as the time necessary to increase civil and social insurance as required by the physical education and sports programs for lower secondary school degree.
The contact person Prof.

Venera Lizio