Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hp Officejet Pro L7780

Freedom From Ashes Heroes No More Time

"And where once there was a freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your consent to this. How did it happen? Whose fault is it? Certainly there are those more responsible than others will have to answer for everything, but once again, to tell the truth, if you look for the culprit ... you need only look in the mirror ... "
-V for Vendetta-

Over a lifetime, I believe that everyone has tried at least once the meaning of Freedom . Few have been able to catch him, just to understand the essence. You can have freedom of speech, even of thought. But when you understand that necessarily true freedom, you would expect of law, you are denied, then the dream and something to revolt began fumbling in your intimate thoughts.
not about to wave his speech in a newspaper page, pointing to a crusade of "J'accuse!" that would only hate and hypocrisy. Nor is it to wear shabby clothes or think that a god is better than another. The flag under which you are serving and bow down, is torn and dirty, stained with blood and tears that have spilled all over it without ever knowing it.

So you can dress like you want, how you want to write and think as you want, but you can be sure, there will always be certain chains and certain cells that await you as soon exceed the threshold. You try to be someone, you can imitate another stereotype that is born in the suburbs of some city petty. But as soon as someone sees you shine above the others, above all those drafts of each other that currently populate the globe, then you are certain that the guards will give you the hunt and you can not know when are unreliable and predators. They are all around you. Just like in the movie Matrix: "If you're not one of us, are one of them."

Freedom, the real one does not need words nor thoughts. In too many are able to use mouth like a sword, but when the blade gets too dull, it is precisely then that the kids are running scared. All the people around you are nothing but masks, just like that. Masks on their faces stitched and stuffed with a personality abused at any time. The Bad, strontium, and even the Good Rebel.
How can you use your mouth to fascinate the people when the time comes when the battle beat a retreat?
An oath, mixed with blood and sorrow, I have marked with fire in my heart. Never again allow me to open my mouth if the word is not followed by action. Never again.

freedom and love. Freedom has to be balanced on a knife that divides Madness and the unreal, courage and compassion. Liberty is staying up until three and scream at the moon while everyone is asleep, just for the mere sake of it! Freedom is not to be enslaved by the conditioning of a spoiled and capricious mind that at all costs judges who are different.
freedom to be simply walking along a path that will take you to introspective character in the innermost recesses of your soul and make you understand that you can feel good by yourself!

Free to see the perfection wherever you look at our position, free to wander aimlessly along with fellow travelers overtime, free to write adventures ever told by human shadow and trace the route to the shores ever explored before. Free simply to be ourselves, fully able to get off the stage of life and tear-off once and for all, the form that the company has sewn since birth.

So called out of this theater and yelling the whole world who you really are! Do not be afraid of being judged, do not be afraid of being laughed at or beaten. A man who knows who has nothing to fear nor to lose, why, how beautiful it is, has done his homework on the planet earth.


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