Friday, February 19, 2010

Jordin Sparks Zack Y Cody Song

Beyond the borders of this world

hoped to conclude with the article "The New Beginning" my adventure as a blogger, my outing in a world somewhat fanciful to talk of states of consciousness that I have lived and where, perhaps, someone can find and aggrapparvici, like a beacon in the fog .
hoped to close the cabin and sailing to other shores, perhaps not of this world nor of this size. However, after recent events (and my resulting awareness), I feel duty-bound to continue a job that I am more than certain, it will help someone. It was even one that will cling to this excerpt of my conscience, even it were only a human being who has benefited from what you can read here, I will done my job.

I'm here with a purpose, mind you. Not to take you by the hand, not to show you the way, why do so many others have succeeded much better than me, and in any case, I do not see any useful purpose. I'm here to make you easier to understand what is wrong with humanity.
I want to be your dark side, your side warrior who has escaped from the prison of your heart and is ready to fight for more freedom, I want to be your fear, to explore the mysteries of your knee and I get in but above all things, I want to be your blood spat on the ground for too much effort and too much work on yourself. Just so. Imagine that you've made a dark ritual, as old as the world itself, or and through which you have given life and pure physical manifestation of your part warrior, bizarre, strict, disciplined and with particular irony.

Behold your part that there is now urging a hurry. Time there was always little, and we know it well. But as a child lacks discipline, we have always returned our waking believing able to make leaps of consciousness from one day to another.
Not so, let this be known. Become aware of this condition of laziness because the Awakening itself, and all there is wisdom, not merely the overthrow of the laziness of the "biological machine". Be the shits with yourself, able to stay on your toes for hours without complaining, able to observe every single emotion that goes through without identificarvici as do 90% of these passive zombies who walk the streets.
There is need to wake up because it is good to know, there's no more time.

This is a real call to arms. If you have the balls to answer, I'm here. We're here.

"The self-observation, the effort to not complain about anything, not to judge the behavior of others, the ability to feel pain no escape ... all this makes them, invincible, invulnerable your being ..."



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