Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Picutres Of Jamaican Traditional Clothing

New Beginning

produces tears that the soul is able to understand many things. The path of awareness, I pulled out like a tidal wave, which seeks to understand what there is to know in order to escape from what is wrongly called reality. No need of words, or acts to understand what we will have to empower.

I understand that there is much to understand in order to break free from the chains of the world and to complete a new paradigm of existence along with some wonderful people with whom I shared all my life without even knowing it.
The crust is slipping away from the wound a little hurt but it is necessary: \u200b\u200bit is like when you discover for the first time that Santa Claus does not exist. Everything becomes clear, beautiful. Sad at first, because we leave behind the terrible belief that lead us to create that stubbornly grim reality that both were trying to destroy the best efforts of awareness.
Why make war on our own creation, to ourselves, when we can very well change things in one fell swoop by simply changing the way we think?
And everything collapses like a house of cards that we created when we were still infants in the cradle of our world, in this collective dream in which every be aware that he is both actor and director of everything that is created around us.
do not know if it will hurt, but when he falls, the castle is a bang: raises so much dust, causing a deafening noise. But when it finally fell apart every single brick, you can see the sun rise before us, the real sun that we could never see the walls of that fake castle created by our broken dreams cycle after cycle.

clenching his fists and started to walk so far no philosopher has ever been able to venture where no scholar has ever been able to arrive. Here we are.

-Gabriel A. Vacuum-


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