Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Buying Discontinued Pasta

With my hat ...

I have been accused of "tamarraggine" the other day, in expounding my ideas in a particularly smooth. The only downside was that, here and throughout the speech, word had spread that people do not hear it from a man who is certain subjects. I do not want: the speech itself was complex, although not an extreme difficulty, including a tug of war, in the end, it all culminated in a long-outburst from the other camp-about the language and its mode of use.
My behavior has been accused of rushing tamarraggine per-second the brilliant mind of my partner- not wearing any mask while talking to him. The fact is that everyone seems to be close to a big tie called morality. Why hide in a mock gooders when I can just be myself without side effects? On my package it says target "on an experimental prototype, keep away from children and those who are offended if they are sent to hell. It can seriously impair the system." Discuss with
crazy, you know, time is lost. When the nineteenth Napoleon throws you against the army that resides only in his mind there's nothing more to do.
Self. I was told to have more self-control in these situations.
But I can not. I can not help laughing when someone-believing unquestionably to be right-you scream at him, "But we ARE NOT THE SAME!" And it is there that the whole matter before taking a definite shape and understand.
Understand the sick mind of the average stifled by the stupidity of a too old paradigm that is based on crutches. A sick mind that finds comfort in the lies of the media that depict the Mafia as a hero of the moment, perhaps with a good fiction to make the honors. A sick mind sinking our butts on the couch in the evening, when the broom goes well and gets up in the morning to do the job that will take him to the grave. What a beautiful life, right?
be born in chains, best believe of others and try to impose one's own ideas, using part of the so-called reptilian brain. How much is comfortable to live in the arrogance of a world that rewards the most selfish and piss on the head of the good?
Habit, however, led me not to leave the unavenged kicked in the mouth that people give me s'elogia. I have lost the ability to forgive some time ago, and for that I am very sorry. I lost and I do not know if I'll ever find. A friend told me: "You know ... if you have lost the ability to forgive, perhaps I'd be worried ... not by humans ...".
And the donkey tail with a galactic hit. The point revolves
the crucial factor that sees me alienated in an alien society in which the blood mixes to the streets with too much ease and I feel a foreigner in a country where everyone speaks in guttural sounds and take shots at a club, blind, and the blind man puts the crown on his head.
"will be deficient?" I wonder from time to time. And the answer is always yes.

We live the life we \u200b\u200bdeserve, if we decide to take a path to introspective character is better get busy, roll up their sleeves and spitting blood until we see a glimpse of light. After wandering in the dark for so long, we can not but be confident in finding the crack in the Ring-style maybe we will see some sun.
If you continue to not realize the situation in you live in, complain about how little you take a month or shortages as the country-maybe in your pussy melting pot in your beautifully horrid victim consciousness-then you'd better lower your head and you sorbs the land of showgirls and mobsters.
We are not only that, it's true. There is so much good in the world, but should be photographed in order to be seen often, otherwise it takes very little to disappear. Let

innkeeper to be reckoned with.
If I express myself as a "hick", apparently the message did not you come like an arrow from the glacier of Icecrown. If you spit on them and makes you sick, it's time to get down from the pedestal on which you grew up and understand that the road-even spiritual-thee you have to draw you, removing stones, rocks and boulders-and maybe all the dog shit that you find around, garbage company and singer and, since, ideally, by the prejudices of a filthy mind of surface which has the nasty habit of judging the way and not the substance.
Kisses and hugs from a jerk who expresses himself as he wishes.
And now, with your permission, I'm going to pee.
good life.