Thursday, November 26, 2009

Trichomoniasis Post Surgery

The creation of reality and the trap planetary

The article that I'm going to offer fits perfectly the situation in which we stand, but I do not want to spoil the reading of this with my summary.
I just hope that breaches in your hearts and that is a bomb of conscience for all those who are going to read. Good Reading

The creation of reality and the trap of planetary
Salvatore Brizzi


Faced with the problems of the world, we often feel frightened and look for someone or something that "protect us" ... but not really we are helpless victims of random events, we are divine beings descended into matter to learn to develop greater awareness ...

The globe is at the same time a planet-school and a trap for souls.

-school is a planet because all souls are but fragments of God incarnate here to experience self-consciousness - the feeling of being there - and develop new quality forever. In other words, the soul uses the body material - a biological machine - to attract people and circumstances around her that allow her to develop more and more love, more unity, to the day when the individual does not perceive finally "One with all things."

But this planet is also a trap, because each of us, once embodied in the material plane, it stops being the one all-encompassing and totally identified with a particular biological machine, forgets its evolutionary purpose, and above all begins to believe that there is a world "out there" on which we have no control and which is under the thumb.

believe that the world is something separate from us and not only one of our projection, is the root cause of all the fears that beset us. Our fears arise from the superstitious belief that it could exist a world outside our consciousness, separate from us, who can act on us irrespective of our will. This policy totally bogus to relate to reality has been invented, disseminated, and is still fed by certain "forces" that govern the world in the shadows. But they themselves are prisoners of their trap.

Each of us creates, often unconsciously, situations and people that are more useful to take the next step in its evolutionary path. People and things are not outside us but within us. The soul - the conscience - literally materializes in the "outside world" only what it needs. To the extent that we identified - asleep - in the body, we are not aware to be creating the world we suffer and then the decisions of our own souls as if they were our own. Only the inability to hear the voice of our true essence makes us seem sudden and unexpected life events. While the extent that we feel to be a soul, we become too conscious to be materializing everything that happens to us moment by moment. The consequence of this new attitude is that all fear disappears and we become free at last.

The elite that rules the world in the pay of certain "forces" is made up of individuals highly intelligent, refined connoisseur of the human psyche. They know that the population feeding the stupid superstition that there is an external world consciousness can influence the human being, it will remain forever a slave filled with fear. In fact it is no coincidence that science, education, politics, the economy ... are all based on this paradigm of knowledge: self and the world we are two separate things. Thus the world becomes an idol to be worshiped and feared. This is the paradigm of fear, poverty and insecurity. This is the sin of sins that forced the man to leave the Garden of Eden. We believe that the world may be hidden dangers and unexpected surprises, when in fact only ever encounter in the world ourselves. Everything is unexpected in the eyes of those who do not know.

Nani psychological prisoners of their terrified animal nature. Here in what turned humans. Like insects crawling on the surface of the globe awaiting the moment when a foot bruise them putting an end to their suffering. As we went down we divine and immortal warriors?!

an example. One day the office staff of our company tell us that we were fired. What do you feel? Each of us reacts in a different emotional expression. Each of us reacts according to what it is. Some become aggressive, another starts to cry, another is happy because he could not wait to leave, another feels lost and tries to commit suicide ... and so on. But they share one attitude: they all believe that fearsome and all-powerful entity known as the "World" has befallen them from the outside. Which of them will instead have the courage to think: "I'm fired. I used the world to fire me. To emerge precisely the emotions going through me right now." I've just given a magic key, use it in all circumstances and will soon open the door, do not need anything else.

are our emotions in shaping the world, and not vice versa. The reality is made of light, also found in physics, and this light is easily malleable to be part of our consciousness precisely because it is within our consciousness. We are warriors, Bearers of the Flame, the undisputed masters of our reality ... and instead delegate to the outside world the power to decide when we are allowed to be happy and when not. We have elected the outside world to our God, we adore, and the fear we prostrate at his feet, got shit in superstition and now devoid of any dignity. Believe the matter is just superstition, that the world consists solely of images. People do not exist by themselves: children, work colleagues, partners ... are only images that remind us parts of ourselves that we do not want to know, do not want to face, we will not overcome.

complain, accuse others, the events of our sick, our image is like blaming the mirror ... and angry with her ... and afraid of her. We have the fear of being fired, run out of money, be an aggression on the street, of being robbed, getting sick, of being abandoned by their partner ... We are hypnotized by a mysterious "outside world". We believe that misfortune can strike "at random" ... we can not conceive of Hidden Intelligence - ours - that creates the events around us according to our evolutionary needs ... and then we worry about what could be in store for the world, like a creature of God Almighty.

our idolatry and our superstition are skillfully used by those who govern the world to keep us in a state of apprehension: the economic crisis, immigration, terrorism, pandemic, pedophilia ... But the world has no independent existence, it's just a stupid lifeless screen on which each of us projected images of himself. In us is life, and we are the directors of the film.

This is an Appeal. For years to come are fearless warriors, men and women, Bearers of the Flame. The trumpet of Judgement has already rang: Come out and Assemble. Do not you feel the flame burning in your chest as you read these words? The Warrior Spirit embodies the true power because he knows that the world can not make him no harm, the warrior knows that he will live only the crises and challenges that will serve ... that he will be creating for autoiniziarsi. Therefore, no longer afraid of the world, and be fearless escapes to each cage psychological ... becomes unpredictable ... dangerous.

Salvatore Brizzi
DEO DUCE COMITE IRON (God as the guide as a companion sword)

taken from


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Toothbrush For Donations

to the theater to see "ALADDIN'S LAMP"

The theater is an expression that humanity has always been used as a tool for communication and sharing of her own life.
Children who attend school and primary Acireale went to watch a theatrical performance of great impact stage. Indeed
between dances and songs, our talented actors and a fake camel, kidnapped the attention of children.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Which Are The Healthiest Dried Fruits


This season of many colors is the ideal time to go in search of leaves in the woods.
The sections of kindergarten, children decorate the windows, the posters, and backdrops with trees, colorful leaves and animals that will go into hibernation.
Children are drawn to the windows decorated with pumpkins and witches hats. The natural curiosity
prompting them to ask questions about Halloween, the school, without emphasis, he explains the origins of this feast.