Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How To Emulate The Touch Screen Through Usb

The Challenger

"I know that somewhere, hidden within our being to force a singular appearance from a very weird indeed. It feeds on, man, the bad vibes generated by anger and resentment, anger and fear, terror and suffering. Cultures of the world and every time they wrote up for it, is not it, though it was not visible to the human eye.
be rid of the aforementioned vile should not be so difficult, nor as complicated. But even 'is easy. For daring is the challenge. For warriors who want to kill themselves entangled with nothing of the Infinite Universe.
So once freed himself intellectually and spiritually, philosophically speaking, you will have smoothed the way to woo the knowledge and wisdom going around that belong in mental abortions only to little children.
And from there you can see that the secret of life on earth, the hidden reason of man's existence on a tiny blue dot and lost in the galaxy known as the Milky Way, the last to know that forces us to overcome life experience here and now, is nothing but ...

Beyond the irony with which I composed the song you have just read, the subject matter in this post is of great importance. Not only that, I'm going to explain what is likely to be a Awakening of the biggest pillars of the individual, a giant of spirituality that not everyone can understand, really, but that is imposed on the spiritual path of any being that has had the audacity to walk the path up to this point.

The argument, in short, is that of the Challenger. Named for comfort-and a bit to understand this better-, the opponent is on our side that we tackles, which offers us an eternal struggle continually. At this point I think, now, that there was no talk of good and evil, but only the evolution of consciousness, despite the opponent is a parasite and above all well and good-as-soon, it is essential to overcome the barrier that will allow us to reach a level of consciousness of gigantic proportions. [You know Goku super sayan? Well, then here we go! -L 'is an allegory, as Dragon Ball, like many other cartoons, many hidden facets to the alchemical background / spiritual unimaginable. For example, have you ever wondered what the Path of the Dragon Goku goes after death? Or the seven spheres? Well ... never mind ... A word to the wise-].

There are, however, other ways to become aware of these states implies that the excess of the challenger: the only way to prove the results on your skin is to experiment.
Experience the eternal challenge against yourself, against a surface mind that hinders human awakening and torments him with idiotic thoughts without meaning and purpose. The perennial struggle of a single sword against sword fighting for his release last, a real prison. Yourself.
be able to break your mind and finally bring the inner silence within you? I hope so ...
See the "other side" when you are no longer identified with this piece of meat that writes to your computer ...

Here's the key. The door is right there: it's up to you to decide whether or not open it. I give you the keys, the choice is entirely yours.

The Challenger

- Akuma Gabriel -

PS: The documentary, which explains in detail the situation in a very satisfactory, is divided into fourteen parts. Enjoy it all in one breath, as this is really the most amazing thing that you can find all over the web.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Get Water Out Lcd Screen

Time? In

usually in my posts, I attempt to speak [many times doing free-wheeling of the dissertations that do not enter the port for the window], on subjects as varied that move with slender and shadowy forms in the vast landscape of spirituality. There is much to write and much to discuss but, of course, beautiful as it is, the insights are understood by only the most spectacular and when we become aware of certain receptive to noumena.
One of these topics, in particular, [as Stresses the title] Time.
is not easy to discuss something that escapes and leads us, of something that may very well be compared to a deception but that reflects a dominant factor in the historical context in which we come to live here and now. The man is inclined to think, to normal, that time flows inexorably, Never coming back and that is outside all the time, leaving no scape to enjoy moments of pure feeling. From an early age was brought up to be on time to go to school, to do a certain thing, or to be exact-least-respected of the features that are often associated with the time factor. The ritual by which a man performs certain things is undoubtedly related to our dependence on time, our slavery to this tyrant dimensional, for a bizarre game of understanding seems to be against us.
It 'hard to imagine a world without time since the dawn of humanity (?? - If they can define them), man has always tried to confine, circumscribe calendars, clocks and so on. A method of controlling the slack time, the vain illusion of being masters of something that, if faced head on, only the non-existent flow of our consciousness. How do you imagine, then, a world without time? A world where there are no clocks, no calendars, no hands ... where everything happens is guided by the hand of the Soul ... how?

The time factor is probably something that should not be transcended but must be fully understood: We are not slaves nor masters. How can we be slaves or masters of something that simply is not there? Have you ever thought, for example, to the eternal motion of the planets? Eternal transcendental movement that drives these wonderful clusters of life along a route to greater consciousness of them?
The questions are many and the answers few, but as I always say, it is good to go in search of questions and not answers ...

During the succession of my life and the consequent development of awareness, I noticed that the "time" changes forms and directions, ideas and thoughts, changing into something different from the usual "time" conventional thought of as a great big clock hanging in nothing more than ever that keeps on ticking continuously. There is no mention of events, but real life. Not something temporary, but permanent. In some cases, for example, time passes quickly and in others more slowly. Imagination, someone will say. But maybe not convinced?
Everything is driven by personal awareness and how it lives and operates the experience that we are experiencing at that precise moment of its existence.
you remember when, as children, were sitting there hoping the dentist's chair, clutching the doll preferred in hand, that the torture would end soon but, right in time seemed to last decades? Here ... So here we are.

As you continue along the path to this strange beast that staff in our vibrational frequency has called "time" varies in relation to precisely our degree of understanding towards it.
I tell you now how I live now the time based on my personal experience:
time does not exist. And 'This is the central issue to understand. I touched up close for the first time when, in the strange experiences of consciousness and presence, I felt like a big bubble that expands and shrinks around the conscious. At the extremes of the bubble are glued events: if the bubble is close, the event is near and will happen soon, if the bubble is large, the event will occur later. This bubble expands and shrinks continuously, depending on the degree of consciousness of the human individual.
For example, an event that must happen to make me understand a thing. The event is far away [bubble expanded], and no one knows when it will arrive. Suddenly I become aware of a thing and the bubble shrinks to a minimum. The event happens and understanding is immediate.
Why? Just because the bubble is adjusted according to our conscience and change based on the latter. The argument

is awfully large and complicated, impossible to explain the way with simple verbal discussions.
This was only a short excerpt of what I have polished understood through the observations and personal experiences.


- Akuma Gabriel -

notice that you are reading:
If you came here in this corner of the web, is for a reason. You have not been guided by the hand of fate, and even a hypothetical god play dice dangling from the stars.
You are here because you feel you need something. Maybe a plot. Well.
If you feel in you a call that crosses the gates of understanding, I suggest you visit this forum. It is not advertising, because I'm not the administrator. Suffice it to say that there are souls who are working to revive the world and change this experience of life on earth that should not be at all.
If you like, and if you hear the call, give us a jump. See you there. Mental stress